Sunday Night REcappin…

Posted by Lessa on August 2, 2009 in _Reality Daze |

Full transcript under the cut – and new top post shortly!

t- 8 minutes! 🙂
Previously on Big Brother….
We rejoin the HOH compeition with the first slams of the Diploma…
Chima says she never thought getting a diploma would hurt so much, can she just get a GED? It was not fun…
Russelll says that winning is the only way to win his safety since the cliques are over.
Flash to Julie telling them they’re on their own. Jeff says that it’s time for him to take his shot at them. Natalie says she was looking really pretty with the cliques, and wasdisappointed. Chima gives a big WHOOOHOOO! See ya later dork, dueces!
Back to the HOH where they’re getting soaked with water. Jordan tells us it got really cold, really cold… Ronnie yells he had cold showers, this was nothig. natalie says it was an amusement park from hell, she was dizzy and cold. Jeff says it’s do or die time, All he has left is Jordan, Casey didn’t go down without a fight and he appreciates that.
Jeff says that when he heard Casey was living was bitter sweet, sweet Jordan is there, bitter that he lost Casey.
We see that Jessie started it by saying its a game, man, it’s a game.. in the eviction flashback
Natalie says that Casey didn’t leave with dignity or class, he was a bitter banana… we see Jessie asking who voted against Jordan. Russell tells us he’s keeping that to himself, it’s time to play for Russell…
the time is 19 minuntes in the copetition – Jessie doesn’t get to compete, and he has to rely on people he built a morale with… Kevin drops.
Kevin tells us the minute he dropped he doesn’t care who’s ashamed of him, as long as he’s off. Lydia asks if KEvin would hate him if he dropped, he says he’d nver hate her, and she lets go.
Kevin is the first to pick a graduation gift. He picks number five.
He wins the $5000!
He tells us that he’s happy, yes, and then he’s worried that people will target him because of it.
Lydia picks number 2. She wins a 42 inch flat screen tv. She tells us it’s a definte upgrade from the 12 inch busted one she has at home.
Jessie tells us that he’s not gonna look past it any time soon, because they dropped and didn’t even try. Russell says he’s gonna hold on to the rope until they cut him off.
Natalie starts puking, and Ronnie tells us that he’s sitting there and hears a sympany of puking, and the smell is making him sick.. Ronnie drops at 46 minutes.
He says next thing he knows wammo, diploma upside the head and he’s out.
Jessie tells Natalie to find a spot on the wall, she’s still puking… and she drops at 49 minutes… Natalie tells us her body could not longer take anymore. She thought she would faint. Jessie says all his eggs are in the Chima basket, he’s pro chema… Ronnie picks number 4 – he gets nothing. Natalie picks number one, and gets nothing.
Jeff tells us there’s five people left, and he knew it was gonna be a long night, he was in it for the long haul, JOrdan has to win or he does…
Jordan says that her upper thighs were numbe. we’re at 1 hour 16. You can tell they’re all hurtin, and JOrdan falls off at 1 hour 37…Jessie smiles and winks at Chima, as Jeff told her good job. She tells us she was pissed, but she couldn’t feel her legs. She gets the last prize – she is a have for the week, but at the end of the competition she has to choose three people to be have nots.
2 hours 7 minutes into the competition… Michele tells us she doesn’t feel like she has any true friends, so has to play her hardest to guarentee her safety.
Ronnie says good job chima, and we can see her swinging widly and even flipped upside down! They show it in slow mo as Jessie says that she did a 360 flip and held on people. Chima says she was holding on for dear life, because shs knows she holds the fate of Jessie and Natalie in her hands, she has to do this…
Chima falls at 2 hours, 22 minutes. Ronnie asks for help to help her. Jessie says he felt like his parashute didn’t open, the end could be near. Michele says that she’s going to hold on as long as possible and hope they make a mistake. Russell says it’s the kind of competition that makes you wonder if it’s worth the pain. Jeff says he’s hurting but can’t give up…
2 hours 30 mnutes, and three remain. Jessie tells Russell to tell Jef if he falls that he’ll put up Ronnie.
Russell looks at Jeff and asks if he wants Ronnie up.. They agree they both want him out. Jeff says if Michele drops, they’ll talk. Jessie says that Jeff winning is worst case scenerio – whatever the deal is, make sure Jeff doesn’t win.
They spin again..
Michele says she’s sore all over, freezing and the diploma is hitting harder and harder… She fell off, but her pants are are caught in the cord, and she falls upside down, and jessie runs over and wraps a twoel around her and they cut her down.. *L*
We’re over 3 hours now – and Russell says the pain is unbarable, his head is ringing, his hands cut up, he can’t feel his legs….
Jordan says play it out and gives Jeff the thumbs up… Jeff asks Russell if they’re gonna be up all night. And Russell says they want the same person. Russell says that he’s heard ronnie talk bad aout him first hand, and hears Ronnie say he’s gonna stick with his team, and Russell says he doesn’t trust him. When Jeff asks who’s going up with him, they say that he’ll take his advice…
Jessie offers to go inside so they can talk – And Jeff wants to make sure that he and JOrdan are safe. Russell says he’ll give his word – and tells everyone to leave the back yard.
Russell says he wants a letter from his pops, he almost died from neck surgury. Jeff asks if he’s safe, and if he’ll swear on his dad – Russell says he and Jordan are safe, ehe looks him in the eyes and promises, swears on his dad. Jeff says alright, I’m out. at 3 hours 38 minutes. They shake on it. And Russell says there’s a newfound respect for Jeff, anyone who can compete on his level is hard core. Jeff says if Russell keeps his word, than he and Jordan are safe this week. And that’s all he wanted..
And Russell tells us he’s gonna put some people on their ASS. He can do whatever he wants, he’s finally the head of household…
And we’re back – and jordan says she has to make a decision on who she wanted to be a have not, she doesn’t want anyone to be made at her. She wrote names and drew from a graduation hat…
Natalie – and she says she has to take cold showers and lay on a slab, but she has a slop pass and gets to eat. Third person, jessie.
Jessie says you know I’d never lose a have notcompetition ever, his fate was in the hands of jordan. Lydia calls him a big baby.. (they skip the whole fall out..)
Jessie and Natalie talk that they don’t have to send Ronnie home, no matter what Russell wants…
Jordan and Jeff talk, and he tells her that he did good. And Jeff smiles at Jordan and tells them they’re safe, and he knows that for a fact.
Russell goes to the posh room, and Jessie/Natalie instantly start telling him to put up Kevin and Lydia. Russell says right away he gets the power and Jessie and Natalie start pushing, he’ll listen, but he’s not gonna do what they want.
Ronnie checks in with natalie and Jessie. Natalie says they wanthim there. He just wants to know if the deal includes him going up, and Ronnie says his onwly hope for the power is if people think that he’ll use it wisely.
Flash to the telling about the power…
Ronnie says he was really excited, he hopes it’s going to be hime, he’d love to weild the power like a Jedi Knight, and he promises us to the camera he’d use the power for good – this good (Jessie, natalie, ronnie)
Time for the HOH room reveal…
Russell was such a cute baby! They all come in and look at all his pictures, and his brother, his sister, his mom, and Kevin says his mom is hot…
Then he reads the letter…
Russell says that the letter brought the game into focus for him, be humble in victory, and watch how he acts, he hopes he’s making his dad proud. He and Jeff congratulte each other…
Then they meet in the HOH room alone. Russell tells Jeff that he was very impressed, and they talk. Jeff says he trusts that he’s safe, and RUssell says again that he’ll hold his word, Jeff and Jordan is safe. Jeff says he feels better after hearing the letter, seeing the family, a man stands next to his word and he feels good about it.
Russell says as far as him and Jeff, it was two alphas going at it – he wants to talk about partneing up. He doesn’t think anyone can beat them. If they pair up… Jeff says he was thinking the same thing. Jeff says him and Russell is a game changer, with trust you can’t stop them. And they say to keep it quiet.. no one will expect it…
America’s vote! You can award one of them the Coup D’Etat, the power to overthrow the HOH and name their own nominees before the live eviction. Vote now. (cbs.com)
They come inside – and BB has another surprise for the have nots – it’s the squash and squid!
Ronne says he’ll vomit… JEff says it smells a little funky… Jordan reads that America voted that the squash and squid vuffeet is just for him… Chima: America is screwing and Jessie whines “whatever”
Lydia comes up and jumps in bed with Russell. She says she will do whatever it takes so that he doesn’t have a reason to put him up…
Lydia says that he turned into sweet and lovey when he got the room and he should show more of that side. And that she says it’ll be ineresting to see who stays with their cliques, and people stay safe, and they’ve said the minute they get the chance they’ll talke out Russell… He asks who, and Lydia says jessie and Natalie – they both said it. And if he wants to target one of the little wierdos, fine, but… And Lydia tells us she wants to do damage to the Natlie Jessie alliance. She leaves and Russell grins – and here comes Jessie…
And Natalie. And Chima.
Russell tells them that Lydia told him they want to take him out, and Jessie says don’t let her put a wedge between us and Chima “That’s whatthat bitch said?!” And Jessie says conveniently it comes out when he has HOH. Natalie tells us that she kisses the HOH butt, no matter who it is..
Here comes Ronnie. Ronnie says wow, I could probably be nominated, so he goes to talk to Russell…
Ronnie tells him that he doens’t know what the deal is between him and Jeff, but he hopes he’s not part of it. People were chirping in his ear to put Russell up when he was HOH, and he nver wavered for a second. Russell says this place is convusing. Ronnie assuers him that his alligenece is to Chima, Jessie, natalie, Russell – his team. And he wants Lydia and Kevin up. Russell says he doesn’t like the attitude to slide through the game. Ronnie asks if he’s in danger, and Russell says no…
Ronnie says he can be persuasive, and maybe he can pull it off.
Nomination time!
Ronnie says that he’s somewhat on the same team, he kept him safe, but he doesn’t trust Russell. Lydia says she’s worried about nominations, and she has a feeling that Lydia isn’t going to pull her key. Kevin says he fell first and won 5k – which gives Russell the excuse to nominate hime. Jeff says he put his trust in Russell, and hopefully he and Jordan are safe. He may have made an ally he didn’t think could be made. Russell says he’s gonna take out who he wants to see gone, if anyone doesn’t follow along? They’e his next target.
It’s time for the nomination ceremony!
Russell pulls the first key: Jeff.
Jordan smiles.
Jordan says “thanks, it’s about time!”
Russell says he’s nominated Lydia and Ronnie. Ronnie, I chose you because you slapped me in the face when you went behind my back and talked to Lydia and Kevin, I was listening at the door and I heard what you said, you lied to everyone and your a snake. if your gonna catch a snake, you have to be a mongoose, and I’m that mongoose.
Jeff says things are looking good, Russell stuck to his word.
Lydia says she’ll fight like hell and do whatever she has to do to make sure she stays. Russell says that he hopes Ronnie doesn’t get the mystery power and turn them into frogs he hopes ronnie will go home., and Ronnie says he’s not jsut a snake, he’s a king cobra, that often the king cobra kills the mongoose.
And we’re clear…..

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1 Comment

  • polkastria says:

    Hey Lessa, Just wanted you to know that someone found you and was watching the recap.

    I hope they get BBCraze back up and running soon. Thanks for keeping us up to date here. I’m just glad I thought to check it today.

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