Wakey wakey, houseguests!

Posted by Lessa on August 2, 2009 in _Reality Daze |

3 8-2-2009 09.50.48 AMIt’s 11am, and BB is waking the houseguests as we speak. Or type, as the case may be. When I left you all last night, not much was going on for a while, general conversations all around with a lot of rehash of the same old topics and an attempt by Jessie and Natalie to sleep in the green room after just 2 hours in the Doom Room.

— We knew they’d do this. BB fucked up by letting the Populars cheat week two and “nap” in the green room, now Jessie and Natalie are taking advantage of it. It’s the perfect example of why BB should have stuck to it’s guns with the ‘no sleeping in any other room’ rule back in week two – it’s only gone downhill since then. The Brains did it with little complaint (other than Chima) all week one. The rest of the house should have sucked it up. MAN UP HOUSEGUESTS! BB did tell them (from all accounts) that they cant ‘nap’ until the official wake up call. Which, when BB Said good morning prompted Natalie to reply “Get up, motherfuckers.” Nice.

There was one more conversation of importance after I went to bed last night – it’s after the cut!

8-2-2009 10.35.4 AMBefore going to bed, and after his talk with Russell, Ronnie approached Michele once again, asking her for her vote. (Flashback to 4am this morning for the best of it – Feed 2) The difference in body language is clear – while she was open and smiling with Russell, back to her withdrawn and slightly nervous self with Kevin, her body language when speaking to Ronnie was completely closed off and determined. She’s not buying ANYthing he’s selling!

He did tell her that using the Veto would be a mistake, and he wants to know what he can do to address any transgressions. He tells her that he understands that she wants him out, but it’s actions that matter. If she votes for him to stay, it’s them two as far as they can take it. The only thing that would change it is if one of them got home. He says he talked to Russell – she calls him on the fact that he said he wanted her out, and he tries to tell her that he trusted her 100%. He tells her that Russell said he thinks he made a mistake in putting him up. (….funny, I don’t remember that… heh.)

He tells her that going against him, that she’ll have no alliance at all, that Natalie, Chima and Jessie will be mad. If he stays, it’s 5 vs 3.

Michele: You wouldn’t even admit there was an alliance. Come on, you said there was an agreement.. I guess I didn’t sign the agreement.
Ronnie: I understand, and I apologize for that, we talked about the schemantics before..
Michele: I don’t want anymore apologies! I’ve had 4 weeks of apologies. I mean come on dude, you’re not a straight shooter.

Ronnie: I think in my heart, but thinking logically, but you will be evicted if I walk out the door and you will not make it to the final two. If you do? You’ll be playing for second place.
Michele: All you had to do today was say there was an alliance. You couldn’t say there was an alliance. How can I betray anything if there’s not an alliance. You couldn’t even say the word. I’m done.
(She gets up and walks back inside – he got a dink of water, and went to bed.)
–Lessa: YOU GO GIRL!

3 8-2-2009 10.35.27 AM11:30 So, back to current time in the bb house! It’s all about breakfast and morning routines, while Jessie/Natalie sleep in the Green Room.

And our favorite pool boy… Oh Jeff. Yum…
BB gave them a water basketball hoop again, and Jeff is a happy camper.

Inside, Michele and Chima reconnect a little. Michele lets her know that her wanting Ronnie out is not in any way indicitive of how she feels about the rest of them. They compare some names, and stories Ronnie’s said, and what they know to be the truth. The conversation ends when the subject of the conversation walks into the kitchen.

Lydia; I have a plan if I get evicted.. Can I trust you?
Jeff: Can I trust YOU? You’re not gonna get evicted anyway, so it doesn’t matter…
Lydia: I’m gonna have a glass of water next to me, and pour it over her head as I leave. Maybe slap her.
Jeff: You trying to make history? Maybe pickle juice, then they’ll all talk about it.
Lydia: A really nasty combo!
Jeff: And you won’t do it, you don’t have the stones.
Lydia: You don’t think so? You’ll see.
Jeff: You’re not getting evicted anyway this week.

Michele leaves the kitchen, and Ronnie tells Chima that Russell said putting him up was a mistake, and that he sees that Lydia lies a lot, and he made a mistake. (lie) He said he apologized for yelling, that no one deserves that (truth).
Ronnie: The reason that Michele wants to vote me out is because I didn’t say we were in an alliance. I was like you were in the room – so it was the assumption. If I go home, and its 99% a chance that I am, you three have to get her.
Chima: You went to him? Why put this big ole front on in front of the house.. and I was like bring him food, dadadadada, and he was adament about not doing it, then he does it, and then he hates you. Then, I was pleading your case and hew as like furious, he’s gotta go – and now this? WTF? It’s like.. he wants to turn the house against you but befriend you at the same time. It makes no sense.
Ronnie: it’s complicated. I told Michele that if I walk out this door, who you think they’ll blame. She said Russell, and I said incorrect, they’ll blame you. you had two chances to stop it.

Russell comes out and breaks it up.
Russell and Jeff are gonna work out, Lydia’s making Iced Tea, Ronnie wants to take some slop home in baggies for his family to try, since they don’t think it’s sold (It is). Talk moves on to ANTM and hairstyles.

Outside, they hope that Ronnie doesn’t have the wizard power.

Russ: If he gets it, it’s rigged.

3 8-2-2009 11.03.57 AMThey’re worried that someone already knows that they have it, it has them on edge.

Jordan: He should have been gone last Thursday.
Jeff: I hope nobody has it.
Russ: I just don’t want to see him take himself off.
Jordan: Imagine if we make it to the jury house and we had to deal him there, and listen to mouth!
Jeff: If he makes it to the jury house, then one of is not.

Michele joins Jordan in the pool.

Lydia talks to Michele about using the Veto and Michele promised her her vote.
Lydia: I feel bad for asking people, I’m not asking you to use the veto on me, and I want to thank you for saying that. I know you intimidate people, no one can read you. Like me, I’m very vocal..
Michele: I’ve been very vocal about not liking Ronnie!

While inside, Ronnie calls Michele socially awkward – she’s impossible to be persuaded or reasoned with. And runs his POV speech possibilities by Chima, and his versions of the talk with Michele last night, telling her “the cheese stands alone” and other things… more lying by embellishing his conversation with Russell too.

3 8-2-2009 11.57.4 AMMichele and Lydia shoot hoops in the pool – or try too.
Michele: I’m just missing to make you look better, that’s all. (laughs)

Jeff and Lydia are playing pig with the pool basketball set – Jeff wins, and Michele and Russell join in the next one, trying to get Jordan too.

Jeff: No jumping shots cuz Lydia cheats!
Lydia: I don’t cheat!
Jeff: bounce it off the wall hook shot! (he misses)
Lydia: LAME!

It’s all fun and games at the pool – while Ronnie paces inside. Kevin’s finally awake.

At the pool, they start doing jumping into the pool shots..
BB: Lydia, Michele, Jeff, Russell – KNOCK IT OFF.
All: awwwwwwww! We’re just playing basketball!

Tons of fun screencaps here!

– And while the houseguests play, and Ronnie and Kevin chat generalities, I’m gonna step away from the keyboard for a bit. BBS!

2:45 – And I come back to Natalie in full panic mode. She convinces Jessie and Chima that they need to go to Russell and lie, and tell him Michele went to them and asked for protection if they wanted to keep Ronnie and she voted their way. They’ll tell Russell that they turned her down – all in hopes of not being back doored.
–Lessa: all pointless, because 1 – Russ already knows the real story and 2 – they know Michele’s not gonna use the POV, so whats the point? Only gonna make their asses look more guilty! Hello Paranoia… They’re basing all this on the lie that Ronnie said – saying Russell wanted to keep him and made a mistake. Heh. Ronnie also says that Michele told Ronnie that Michele said she’d been offered protection. (lie) OH what a tangled web we weave…

Ronnie: Do think if I go home, Michele would be ok if I get ahold of her on facebook?
Natalie: Who cares?!

4:00 – Jessie/Natalie call Russ to the HOH room
Russ: what’s going on?
Jessie: Sorry about the late night nap – we had a talking to Michele, we don’t know what kind of deal she has with the rest of the house, because of what she said to us. She came to us to go against you, and we were like why would we want to go against Russell when we’ve had his back the whole time.
Russ: Michele came to you last night in the green room..
Jessie: yeah, and that she said it’d be 6-3, instead of them 5 coming after us three. You can’t do anything, 5 coming after me Natalie and chima, and I was like we wouldn’t come after Russ. She wants the numbers.
Russell: what’s this have to do with the vote this week?
Jessie: she wants us to come against you and keep ronnie this week
Russ: That’s not true at all.
Jessie: it is true, that’s what she just told us. She wants 6 to come after us three, and Lydia going home. Apparently that’s what she thinks. We said no. Butif she alerady has a deal to come after us… that’d be the part she didn’t say..
Russ: What exactly did she say.. tell me right now?
Jessie: that’s what she said..
Natalie: she said what do you think of keeping Ronnie…
Russ: she said what do you think of keeping ROnnie?
Jessie: she came to us to see about taking Ronnie off. She wouldn’t have done that unless Lydia, Kevin, jeff, Jordan and Michele were coming after us.
Natalie: She didn’t say specificially, just that we’d have the numbers.
Jessie: We’d all have to vote that way, that’s all I’m saying.
Natalie; so it seems she’s trying to do something with the other side.
Jessie” it’s not gonna happen, Ronnie’s going home. That’s not the problem.What I’m saying is, when people get power, they’re saying I’ve got the power now, and she’s doing that exactly. She sees it as 6 going after three…

–Lessa: uh. they are making zero sense – and Russ’s face says he sees it. Have to run the kid to work – brb.

The end of the conversation has Russell telling them to stop talking to Michele, start talking to Jeff and Jordan. They say they don’t know how. He knows that he’s a bigger threat than Natalie, Jessie or Chima.

Russell went straight outside to Michele, but the feeds cut away.

Meanwhile, outside, Kevin lets the BY crew know that he got an extra day on Slop due to ‘Grape Gate” because ‘someone’ complained that he was eating grapes during the competition.

General talk in the back yard – I’m opening a new top post for the East Coast watching recap/party!

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  • BBFreek says:

    OOOH Wonder how much trouble Lydia could get into if she really did that.. WOULD LOVE TO SEE HER DO IT THOUGH!! lol…

    I FREAKIN HOPE Chima tells Russell what Ronnie just told her.. OMGOSH this house.. its so AWESOME!!!

    AGAIN LESSA.. THANK YOU for all you do.. I am so sorry about your other site.. Maybe its just cuz its the weekend its not fixed, keepin my fingers crossed.. saw the post with this web address yesterday but it wasnt hi-lighted by twitter so I didnt really think to copy, paste and check it.. STUPID ME.. but IM HERE NOW!! YAY!! YOU ARE TRULY THE BEST BB BLOGGER!!!

  • Lessa says:

    Thanks! I’m glad you found me. I hope the site is fixed tomorrow, too. I’m pulling my hair out here!

  • Jody says:

    It is so good to see Michele with confidence. I was noticing the same thing about her last night. Her nervous gestures aren’t as noticible or prominent.
    I’m digging this Jeff/Jordan/Michele/Russ combo. I can’t believe I’m saying that about a group including Russ, but like I’ve always said, I despise him one minute, the next he’s winning me over.

    Thanks Lessa. Good luck with 451.

  • Jody says:

    oops. meant to put Jodda. whatever. Even though it’s past 2 pm here, I feel like I’m on BB schedule. Brain not functioning.

  • Jody says:

    for the love of henry…

    You know, the three idiots (excuse me for name calling, but come ON, they are that), I’ve started calling them the Three Stooges. That would be Natalie, Jessie, and Chima. Chima not as much, but Two Stooges doesn’t roll off the tongue as well, 🙂

    But Natalie and Jessie??? total stooges.

    they need to get out of constant panic mode and chill the HECK out.

    ok, vent over.

  • Jody says:

    forgive me, but dayum… Jeff has been supremely yummy today..

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