Boys and their toys…

Posted by Lessa on August 18, 2009 in Adolescence, Driving, Sons |

You know what they say – boys never grow up. They just get bigger toys.

Today I have a very happy boy! You see, a few months ago, I had the chance for a new/used jeep, and the boy helped me buy it by taking the old jeep off my hands. He didn’t want the old jeep, but was content to have it there (should he ever get his license!) and ready for when he wanted it.

But it wasn’t what he wanted. Not really.

I thought he was lookin for something similar to his friends – we have two el caminos, a charger, a van and an old hand me down cadilac that all find their way to be parked in my driveway now and again. So I was thinking – a nice (probably muscle) car.

The Boy was thinking something different. He was thinking he needs a TRUCK.

He had his heart set on one, and he spent all summer looking while he worked steadily to make sure he had enough money. Then, this past week, one of his co-workers made an offer on the jeep, and he sold it for the same exact price he’d bought it from me, and then he turned right around today, and bought his hearts desire.

Meet The Beast.


It’s a 1972 Chevy 4×4. The floorboard is crumbled by the drivers side door, but the heater works. The back tail lights need to be rewired, but it starts every single time. There is a transmission fluid leak, but that’s a simple fix. There’s some other wiring work that needs done, but there’s the shine in his eyes as he laid down on the hood and patted it… and – I kid you not – whispered… “My BABY.”

Needless to say, he’s wanting to hit the DMV tomorrow, get the title/registration taken care of and into my name, get it on the insurance…

…and make the appointment to take his driver’s test.


Sigh. It’s true. The ONLY difference between men and boys is the size of their toys… is it too late to go back to Tonka trucks??

1 Comment

  • Cindy says:

    Congrats to the Boy on his awesome truck! That’s just fantastic, his Uncle Cory says to tell him he is very proud!!!

    Oh, and I love the new look of the page, especially the banner. It’s very cool and I really like the colors and the slogan.

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