Posted by Lessa on August 24, 2009 in Education |

08-24-09_TheBoyFirstDaySeniorNo, not ‘I love you’.
Not even ‘You’re not fat’.
Oh no. These three words are the best words any mother ever hears…


Oh HELL yeah!

Its the day all kids – especially teenagers – dread, and all mom’s long for, it’s the day that I know means I can kick them out and then snuggle back into bed for a long winter’s nap. And on this first day, I don’t even MIND that I was working until 3:15 am, and my alarm went off at 6… no, because my kids? Are going back to school!

Aaaaaaaaah, peace and quiet.

08-24-09_PepperMistFirstDaySophomoreThey’ve been dreading it for weeks, you know. There’s NOTHING cool about back to school – except for that shopping trip with Nana which netted them with new outfits and fancy binders and all manner of sparkly cool things to wear and use. It finally hit The Boy last night as I picked him up from work.

We were talking about being broke – he just got paid, and the list of things needed for his truck is long, and sort of expensive. I said I knew the feeling, I’d paid bills, so was broke as well.

Him: We don’t need electric. I’ll get candles and I have books.
Me: The computers won’t work…
Him: did I SAY anything about my laptop?
Me; No… but no computers means nothing distracting for mom. i might, you know, start to TALK to you and ask QUESTIONS about your LIFE and DEMAND CONVERSATION. You know, like any other day, but WORSE… Like… any giiiiiirls I should know about?
Him: I only have ONE GIRL.
Me: (… knows where this is going) Is that so. Who?
Him: You! (hug!)
Me: You still have to go to school tomorrow.
Me: (snicker!)

08-24-09_ThePupFirstDay5thGradeDespite his best smooze attempt, I still made sure he was awake at the bright hour of 6am, as well as Peppermist shortly thereafter so that she could get up, showered and dressed in her new finery. She even woke up her sister before I took the teens to school, so she could do the Pup’s hair. AND the BOY gave his sister a HUG. Awwwww.

So the teens are off already, the Pup will be catching the bus soon, and all signs point to “Mommy Nap Time” shortly after that.

Life? Is GOOD.

PS: Yes, Papa. I made their freakin’ pancakes. Stop nagging!

PPS: They fend for themselves tomorrow.

PPPS: please don’t remind me that said baby boy is a SENIOR this year. Peppermist is a SOPHOMORE. And the pup is in FIFTH GRADE. I don’t know how this happened. At all. Because I’m still 16.

PPPPS: Shut up. I can hear you laughing….



  • JulieB says:

    Lessa!! That is hilarious!

    Back to school for my kids is next week! I can hardly wait! πŸ™‚

  • Nana says:

    LMAO!!!!! Glad the pancakes got made – glad all made it to school on time (at least once) glad you still have your sense of humor – and, no, dahlink, you are NOT 16 anymore than I am 35 any longer.


  • Lessa says:

    but Nana, you don’t LOOK a DAY over 34! πŸ™‚

  • peppermist says:

    suck up

  • Lessa says:

    Gee. Guess who’s making her OWN breakfast tomorrow? πŸ™‚

  • Sasssy says:

    lol. OMG, you are so funny. Only it’s the opposite in my house. My teenager can’t wait to get back to school, and I dread it. It’s a busier time of year for me.

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