Not so much.

Posted by Lessa on September 2, 2009 in Driving, Sons |


Psst – have you entered the sweepstakes today? What are you waiting for? It’s right over there! ———>

“Bet you’re happy now, huh?”

That was the first thing he said when we got to the privacy of the car. Talk about a knife to the heart… because 1. it was completely untrue, and 2. I can’t stand it when my kids are upset.

He knows better, of course, he’s just upset. You see, today was the big day – and he didn’t pass his driver’s test. Rumor has it he got the toughest instructor, and afterwards as we deconstructed what she’d said, it came down to a few things, but it included the fact that she simply did not communicate very well. The worst part for me though, was that she made him WAIT for 15 minutes when we got back before telling him he didn’t pass.

We know what to work on though, and she did have a glowing compliment for his defensive driving skills (He avoided an accident – one SHE didn’t see coming… though she auto failed him for something she thought “might” have caused one himself by pulling onto the highway with what she judged to be not enough room. Even after she’d marked him down for hesitating too long the turn before that. Sigh.)

So, in two weeks we try again, and as soon as hes done being mad about it, we’ll get to practicing once more. Now he knows the general route they’ll take him out on, how they phrase things (like “take the outer turn lane” – uh, is that LEFT or RIGHT lady?!) and the few things he needs to work on.

Like using the blinker before parallel parking. Which was TOTALLY my bad – because uh, we don’t parallel park around here at ALL. So I couldn’t remember, ya know? But now we know. And next time, it’ll be all system’s go.

Gives him another 2 weeks to fix up The Beast to drivable status, anyway.

(…but oh. This Mama’s heart hurts for him…)


  • Stacey says:

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. My son has failed his road test now THREE times! Sometimes I think that what these instructors are looking for is just darn ridiculous! Each time he has failed for such minor things that most adult drivers do each and every day! My heart goes out to you and may the next time go better.

  • Nana says:

    Nana’s heart hurts, too. HUGZ to the Boy . . . when he’s ready for them.

    and pfffffffffftttttttt to the tester! :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • sarah says:

    Have him take a tape recorder next time – get evidence!

  • My heart really hurts for him! I failed my first test, too. And that same day (supposedly sweet 16, more like sour) my boyfriend not only broke up with me but he DITCHED ME! at lunch. It sucks being young. I think I would take the stresses I have now to the pain I have then. At least now I have a full understanding of what is truly important, and that things change so quickly. all you have to do is wait and try and you will have a new and different problem. Poor kid!

  • […] So he failed his test. That was bad enough, and he was quite upset – but his day was not to get much better, because, when The boy returned home from work that night, we discovered his Ferret was having seizures, and had severely dehydrated himself over the previous 24 hours. With tears in his eyes, I explained that I wasn’t sure anything could be done, but how to try to get the little guy to drink some water, and to just cuddle and love on him for a while. […]

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