Ok, universe – stop!

Posted by Lessa on September 4, 2009 in Adolescence, Behavior, Sons |

Psst – have you entered the sweepstakes today? What are you waiting for? It’s right over there! ———>

omg-wtfWTF Universe? Srsly. WTF?

So he failed his test. That was bad enough, and he was quite upset – but his day was not to get much better, because, when The boy returned home from work that night, we discovered his Ferret was having seizures, and had severely dehydrated himself over the previous 24 hours. He stood there with tears in his eyes, I explained that I wasn’t sure anything could be done, but how to try to get the little guy to drink some water, and to just cuddle and love on him for a while.

By morning, it was clear there was nothing that could be done.

I talked it over with The Boy, before school, and he asked me to take the lil guy to the vet, and if it was decided there was nothing that could be done, to take care of it before he got home. He went to get ready for school, and hit the garage door with his fist as he headed to his room.

“Mom, I think I just broke my hand.”

Yeah. So I checked his hand – he said it didn’t really hurt much, it wasn’t swelling right away, so I took him to school, then called Auntie Ladybug, so that she could help deal with the Ferret. At the vet, they found a mass they were pretty sure would be discovered to be cancer. Bottom line – he was in pain, and too far gone already. There was nothing that could be done, so we had to put him down. Auntie Ladybug and I buried him in the backyard, next to our cat that died a few years ago of old age.

It wasn’t easy, at all, to make the decision, and to hear the pain and sadness in his voice when he called to ask if it was done. When I picked him up though, there was another cause for the pain. His hand was swollen, and it was clear he had indeed done more damage to his hand rather than to my door.

So, it was off to the doctor – on a time crunch, as I needed to work at 4pm – and we got him seen. He’d fractured the metacarpal ‘neck’ of his right pinky – the spot just below the knuckle in his hand. We got him splinted up, and called in to his work to get the night off, and than dashed home so that I could do my job too.

At some point, in the doctors office, I knew he’d started to get a handle on things, and return to the boy I see every day. Wanna know what clued me in? When he was standing behind the cute PA at the computer, and mimed grabbing her butt – and referred to her afterward as “the one with the grabbable ass….”

That’s my boy.

(but Universe? If you could give us a rest between beatings, I’d sure appreciate it. At the very least, provide me with happy drugs – like, oh, margarita’s as big as my head? ktnxbai!)


  • sarah says:

    AHEM – Dear Universe – Could ya help us all out on this one. This is a good kid. A GREAT kid! He’s working his butt off and he deserves some TLC. Those of us that know (of) him even if we haven’t met him know he is wonderful, beautiful and has fantastic taste in grabbable asses. And frankly that skill is an important one that I pride myself on having as well.

    So yeah…if you could….drop some fairy dust this kids way…and by fairy dust I mean salt for his mom’s margarita.


  • Nana says:

    oh, sarah! 😉

  • Stacey says:

    Wow…that is a rough day. Hoping that things are getting better. Never a dull moment with teens.

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