Tapping our cell phones…

Posted by Lessa on September 6, 2009 in Cell phones, PSA |

razr_phoneCan it be done, is it being done, and how do you know?

We’ve heard that the government can do it, and has done it, but there are ways for the every day joe willing to pay the price to tap into our cell phones too. Nana sent me this link, which is an investigative report done on just such a thing.

It boiles down to this – someone was able to download a spy software onto a ladies phone, and then they were able to track her moves – getting a satellite update on her location, get her text messages, and all her incoming and outgoing calls.

Scary stuff.

So what can you do for you and your teenagers? First and foremost, keep a close eye on your cell phone – don’t let anyone get a chance to put anything on your phone while you’re not looking. You can also put a security password in so no one else can use it, if you feel you’re vulnerable to this sort of thing. You can remove the battery when you’re not using it, and look for these signs that something may be wrong:

– Cell phone battery is warm even when your phone has not been used
– Cell phone lights up at unexpected times, including occasions when phone is not in use
– Unexpected beep or click during phone conversation

It seems excessive, sure – but when it comes to protecting ourselves and our teens, the best thing we can do is be aware of what CAN happen, so that we’ll be prepared if something DOES happen.

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