Project Runway – on Lifetime!

Posted by Lessa on September 7, 2009 in Project Runway |


I know, I’m late to the party, but finally I managed to get caught up on all the deliciously awful design on the new season of Project Runway! Season 6 FINALLY arrived with the move to LA, fun in the sun, Tim Gunn in a suit on the beach, and all the hideous designs we could possibly want!

We’re three episodes in – and here’s how it went down:

Week 1 – Lindsay Lohan as guest judge, and a request for a red carpet look that showed innovation and the designer point of view. For Ari, that somehow translated into a quilted tank top thing. I don’t know anything about fashion? but honey, that was FUGLY. Ari was clearly the wackiest of the group, bringing her own view and meditating upside down to let the fabric speak to her – and I am sorta sad not to get the chance to see any more wacky designs by her. Oh well, can’t have everything! Christopher pulled off the winning design, which everyone agreed they’d actually wear. Score one for Christopher!


Week 2: Designers must create a pregnancy chic look for Rebecca Romijn. Malvin decided to go for a visionary look – and create a mother hen cradling her egg. It was awful – looked like a sling over her belly, pre-baby! The funniest part, though, was the fact that all them skinny ass models wearing bellies looked exactly like that – skinny ass models wearing pillows. But what are ya gonna do? Shirin came up with the winning design – making not only a stunningly simple dress, but a matching coat that was absolutely amazing. Well done!


Week 3: Tim Gunn on the BEACH! in FLIPFLOPS. Is there anything better? Only the splitting up into teams, and the old “SURPRISE! Need a Second Look!” ploy! The goal was a surf inspired look with an Avant-Garde companion piece. As expected, the collections turned out to be deliciously flawed all the way around, Qristyle and Epperson bickered through the whole episode, and in a project runway first – a member of the WINNING TEAM went HOME after admitting he did very little of the work. HA! Ra’mon and Mitchell came off with the winning design – a hideous dyed thing he pulled out his ass with just 35 minutes to go to go along with the flowy design that was actually pretty, while his teammate -and the team leader – Mitchell Hall was sent packing for his lack of fashion sense, and the 3 strikes (bottom 3) you’re out promise from Heidi.


Whew! Looking forward to next week already, aren’t you?

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