Boys and their toys…

Posted by Lessa on September 14, 2009 in Sons |

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Steel_Vambraces-250x178So, I’ve mentioned my son’s love of sharp and pointy things before, something I can 100% blame on his father. After all, that’s where a lot of the swords came from, as well as a heaping helping of pure Irish brawling blood. It’s amazing how much my son resembles his father – even more so at this age, Kevin and I met when we were in high school. Some of the things he says and does cause the biggest case of deja-vous possible. I’ve had these conversations before, rolled my eyes the same way, just now it’s with the Boy. It’s familiar, comfortable, and amusing. Because The boy?

The Boy is definitely his father’s son.

He proved it today, again, (as if there were any doubt!) at the doctor’s office. It was time for the re-xray of his hand, to see that the break is healing well, etc. The brace he’s been using is in pretty bad shape, and the doc decided to make him a new one.

Which is precisely where my husbands genes stepped in to do all the talking. You see, along with the swords, my son adores the medieval armor too, and at some point in this splinted stint, he’d decided that the material they used to make the splint would be perfect for form fitted arm braces. Braces that caused me to be quickly informed that they’re called “Vambraces” in a tone that said clearly “GAWD MOM don’t you know ANYTHING?” Typically these are made of leather and steel, but for practice, the splinting material (I think it’s this stuff) would be perfect.

So he talked to the doctor and asked if he thought it were possible. The Doc’s eyes lit up, and he called in his assistant, and every male in the office at the time peeked in to see, and after building my son his new splint that he NEEDED – they gave him exactly what he WANTED too. Form fitted braces for the top and bottom of his right forearm, which he and his buddy are going to drill holes into along the edges to add zip ties to close them. (picture coming when the boy gets home from said buddy’s house tomorrow.)

For free.

It’s the last part that stopped me from saying “no” of course, thought I did do a lot of tsking and shaking of my head, and laughing as they traded website urls for more official gear, etc.

I was one away from all girls… I was THIS CLOSE…


  • nana says:



    carry on

  • nana says:


  • Jodda says:

    That’s pretty neat. I have a slight obsession with medieval lore, so I don’t blame him.
    That did crack me up, though. The Dr’s willing partcipation (aka, eyes lighting up, ROFL).
    can’t blame him. boys and their toys, is right. LOL

    It is weird sometimes how they throw in some big time deja vous.
    My daughter ADORES the movie Labyrinth, with zero input from us. She watches it a couple of times a week. It was Marc’s and my first date. It’s cool how they do that sometimes.

    oh, and I hope his finger is healing nicely. 🙂

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