Here it is! The Survivor Premiere!

Posted by Lessa on September 17, 2009 in Survivor: Samoa |

And you KNOW we’re having a watch party! As always, you can watch along with me here!

BigBrotherCraze: T-30 minutes for Survivor!
Reality Daze: Are you ready? Cuz we’re 4 minutes away! πŸ™‚
Reality Daze: Here we go!
Reality Daze: Deep in the heart of the South Pacific, lays Samoa.. Stepp volcanic mountains, waterfalls, rainstorms, rugged coastlines, untouched by civilization
Reality Daze: here’s wherethese 20 american are beginning their adventure – first impressions are already forming, though they haven’t spoken!
Reality Daze: 20 Strangers forced to work together – they must adapt or be voted out! In the end, only 1 remains. 30 days 20 people, 1 Survivor!
Reality Daze: And one Mr. Dimples….
Reality Daze: Welcome to Survivor Samoa. They’ve been divided alread – Purple is Galou – Yellow is Thoa thoa (not sure spelling)
Reality Daze: They already have their frist decision… They have to pick a tribe leader based only on body language and first opinions.. Monica says it was like dear in the headlights – leadership role is a death wish. Dr. Mick says he has leadership qualities..
Reality Daze: Galou First vote is for Eric – one vote for Shambo, She was in the Marine Corp in 86 – Russel S gets a vote – then 2 votes… then 3… Russell voted for Shambo… Russell 3, Shambo2, Shambo another- 4 for russell – five for Russell the “better looking lennox lewis.
Reality Daze: Russell is the leader for Galu.
Reality Daze: Foa Foa – we have Marisa, with one – 2 for Mick… Jaison has one, three for Mick… one for Liz, one for Russell H, 2 for Jaison… we have a tie with Jaison and Mick – one vote left… Mick wins the leadership for Foa Foa… He says he wasn’t surprised. He thinks everyone on the tribe is candy asses. heh.
Reality Daze: The first leadership decision will make a make a mark – and Russell S is a little nervous!
Reality Daze: Commercial!
Reality Daze: and we’re back!
Reality Daze: Mick – choose who you think is your best swimmer – and he picks Jaison. He says that he looks like a swimmer -Jaison is surprised, but he played water polo for college… Russell S picks John

Russell H and Marissa are picked – and we yave Yasmin and (another)

Smartest person – Liz for foa Foa – she says it’s because she’s Asian. She just hopes they only see the positive. And Russell S picks Shambo as the smartest – she says god please help me.
Reality Daze: It’s time for the first challenge – on the go, the swimmer goes to retrieve the ky – the strong person brings up bundles of logs and carrise them to the mat. Then the agile person has to go across the balance beam while draging a key through the maze, the smart person gets the puzzle and solve it to win reward. They’re playing for Fire, of course.
Reality Daze: Survivors Ready? GO!
Reality Daze: Jaison pulls away from John – and Mick feels good for his choice of a swimer. Mike says he was surprised for sure, as African Americans aren’t known as swimmers… Jaison gets his key first, and is heading back, John is right behind him – it’s a race for sure! Jaison gets to the beach first and hands off his key to Russell…
Reality Daze: The Strong Guy goes to work – unlock the chain, and John hands off the key to Eric while one of his tribemates says he was ready to vote him off. Eric tries to make up some time!
Reality Daze: HE’s catching up – Russell is strong but tired and these are heavy bundles and Eric carris, but falls!
Reality Daze: Russell has it and Marise is on the balance beam and working her key – eric working with the logs, step by step – anw e have our first BOOBIE BLUR as Marise works with the bamw. Eric has it – and Russell says he’s so proud, Eric has the heart of the tiger! Yasmin is catching up making up time ans Marise is close for Foa Foa – and Liz gets the key and the puzzle – work it.. and Yasmin has the key to Shambo!
Reality Daze: They’re working side by side and Liz has a nice had start but Shambo was worried – but is right tehre in it!
Reality Daze: They’re nck and neck, SHambo making up a TON OF TIMe – Liz close.. FOA FOA WINS REWARD!
Reality Daze: Shambo is just a minute behind – Marisa says they won because Mick made the right choices. Foa Foa gets Flint and the map. Russell S says he’s not frustrated in the least – everyone lvoes an underdog. They get the map and everyone heads out. One makes a comment about John – he was a slow swim, but get off the mat! he didnt’ deserve to be there.. and they head off.
Reality Daze: Commercial!
Reality Daze: (bear with me as I learn to put the names with the faces. *L*)
[Comment From Billy!]
Reality Daze: And we’re back – at Foa foa
Reality Daze: Introductions go through, and Mick asks if anyone has practical experience – the hillbilly takes lead, and helps gets things started, and Mick thinks leadership thing is difficult and he’s still figuring out how to do it. If Ben? Wants to step up, have at it.
Reality Daze: Russell says he didn’t come here to work, he came here to play – his strategy is to have a secret alliance with each of the dumb girls. And he goes at it – and says honesty is most important, and each of the girls agree…
Reality Daze: Russell says an alliance with the dumb short haird blind, the dummber long haired blond, the dark haired girl – it’s his dumbass girl alliance. Told them all exactly the same thing… and he believes they’re gullible enough to believe it…
Reality Daze: To make sure he wins – he alligns with the “old lady” and she tells us she gets a good read on people as a Police Officer – and she doesn’t trust Russll, Betsy made the alliance, but doesn’t trust him.
Reality Daze: Over at Galu – they find their camp, and Russell S. says welcome home! he tells us since he’s been elected leader, it’s a heavy liability. And they start thinking about the structure, make a raft and then raise it up.
Reality Daze: Shambo says that Russell took charge and she thought yaya! they have a leader…
Reality Daze: Shamob says her only problem is there are some strong male dominant personalities that aren’t listening – they’re all still listeing.. and got hung up on what should be done, how when where…
Reality Daze: John says his life expereience has taught him a little bit of planning – it’s not a typical construction job – your budget is coconuts…
Reality Daze: Shambo says they’re killingher – John is probably an enginere – he’s too technical… all he’s doing is running his mouth – Shambo tells everyone to just act and quit thinking.
Reality Daze: The guys decide to go jump in the water instead. *L*
Reality Daze: Shambo stays on the bech and says these young kids – this isn’t the marine corp, she’s struggling with Russell as leader, he needs to open a can of whoopass, that’s what she would ahve done.
Reality Daze: Foa Foa night one – and Russell H tells his tribe that he lived in NEw Orleans with his german shepard Rocky, and the levy broke, and he grabbed his ax, and the water was rushing in, and he couldn’t see Rocky, he couldn’t find him. Russell H tells us that he ain’t never had a dog, lived in New Orleans, and isn’t a fireman. Ashley says it just kinda gets to you, as Russell tells them he stayed on the roof for 2 days – tells us it’s crazy how you can win them over witha lie
Reality Daze: Marisa says that she doesn’t want to deminish the story, but thinks he was angling and is pretty slimy – meanwhile, Russell starts emptying out all the canteens. He says he’s planning on weeding out the weak right off the back, make it as miserable as possible for everyone – he burns a sock too.
Reality Daze: Russell: if I can control how they feel, I can control how they think. I’m a multi millionare – I’m nto here for the money, I’m here to show them how easy it is to win this game. I should be the first to go, but I’ll do whatever it takes to win.
Reality Daze: Commercial!
Reality Daze: hi billy!
[Comment From Tina Brown]
Lessa, Lessa, here we go with the “dumb” word
Reality Daze: *L* Hi tina.
Reality Daze: and we thought our BB Russell was bad! *L*
[Comment From Tina Brown]
I know you know what i mean
[Comment From Billy!]
[Comment From Billy!]
This guy is crazy
[Comment From Tina Brown]
Another Nat you think. Hi Billy
[Comment From Billy!]
whoops. Have a ! at the end of my name, lol
[Comment From Billy!]
I thin he’s a different version
[Comment From Tina Brown]
Like I say, CBS knows how to pick um
Reality Daze: He’s nutso! *L* what an ass. and Billy! you were Excited! We are TOO! πŸ™‚
[Comment From Billy!]
oh man, can you imagine her on the island??
Reality Daze: Oh god no. *L*
[Comment From Billy!]
Yeah! That’s it!
Reality Daze: with bugs?
Reality Daze: And we’re back!
[Comment From Billy!]
lol true
Reality Daze: Foa Foa – they discover that the canteens are empty – and they try to figure out what happened. Jaison can’t find his socks, his feet hurt, they’re blistered, he’d really like to find some socks and be warm… Russell watches on –
Reality Daze: Mick says that they need to hurry, fill the canteens, and Liz says it’s hot, and they’re told to blow on it. Russell says his strategy is working like a dream – they’re hollaring at each other right now, and he’s just sitting back and watching it happen.
Reality Daze: Right now, he thinks he’s running the whole show – and they don’t know it. He knows it thought.
Reality Daze: Challenge time!
Reality Daze: HI MR. DIMPLES!
Reality Daze: How does Russell feel about his tribe? Russell S says everyone’s tough as nails, and everyone is great – somone on the other tribe says he never read that book, that’s what losers say…
Reality Daze: For the challenge 6 members run across the course, use the robe to drag a create, where the four remaining members dismantle the crate and put together a puzzle. At stake? Immunity..
Reality Daze: Survivors ready? GO!
Reality Daze: Galu off to a HUGE lead – up and over the first wall in one fell swoop – They have problems on the second, and drag Yasmin over and Foa Foa working together to get over – Galu has everyone over the second, and work together to build a human pyramid to get over…. Russell grabs the rope – the last a frame harder with no momentum – some skin coming off as they slide down – Foa Foa working and is over…
Reality Daze: They keep going, time to stretch the rope – all three has to be tied to the crate.. Galu still in the lead as they tug – Foa Foa in it now, as Russell H grunts it well, and Galu works well together… the crates are Very heavy – Galu has it = puzzle makers start working…. Foa Foa is right behind them…
Reality Daze: Galue has an early start, getting quick, and Shambo starts telling them how to do it – everyone grab a piece and find the match.. Foa Foa is making progress, Galue isn’t even started… Foa Fao is working it had and fast, Galu thinks they have something going now – go go go go go.. Foa Foa gets lost…. it’s back and forth.. Galu makes a big move..
Reality Daze: They thing they have it, are they right? They think they’re close.. Foa Foa falls farther and farther behind… GALU WINS IMMUNITY!
Reality Daze: Galu Galu Galue is in the hooooooooouse!
Reality Daze: Immunity, safe tonight at Tribal, and they get fire.
Reality Daze: Foa Foa – got nuthin for you, cept a date at Tribal Council tonight where one will be voted out first.
Reality Daze: Commercial!
Reality Daze: I get so excited typing it out. *L*
[Comment From Billy]
Crude, hit the wrong button
Reality Daze: < - dork. 4:41 [Comment From Billy] lol 4:41 [Comment From Billy] Is it possible Russell is the first out? 4:41 Reality Daze: I dunno... I can't get a read on them. I doubt it though because he IS strong.. 4:41 [Comment From Billy] true 4:42 [Comment From Billy] I miss Julie... lol 4:42 Reality Daze: And early on they need the strong players to carry them through challenges. He worked well with them during the challenge, and no one caught his crap at camp - so if he keeps his mouth shut at Tribal he could be ok. 4:42 Reality Daze: And Me too - but excited to hear when Baby ChenTot arrives... 4:42 Reality Daze: And Well, MR DIMPLES. 4:42 Reality Daze: I love me some JEff Probst. 4:43 [Comment From Billy] in order: that's true, chentot :lol:, and probst calls people out more... that's funny 4:44 Reality Daze: He does - he's quick on his feet too with the leading questions. 4:44 Reality Daze: And we're back.. 4:44 Reality Daze: Foa Foa day 3... they're all saying ther's a long way to go. Ashley says they lost, it sucks, she doesn't know who's fault it was... 4:45 Reality Daze: She doesn't want to be the one to bring it up though. 4:45 Reality Daze: Mike says it's a matter of strength, the weak need to go - Ashley is the weakest based on physical strength. Mike is the oldest one there, and doesn't want to be the fist one out - he says that he wants to go on strength... Mike says he's not the physical weakest.. 4:47 Reality Daze: Russell asks his girl where she stands.. Marisa says that she's a little wary with him, because he talks to everyone - someon's eavesdropping. Russell says that don't mean he's strategizing, she wants to know what he's talking about. he says everything, who they think the weakest is, etc. Russell asks how do you threaten him? you kidding him? marissa is the dumbest player he's ever seen - you threaten him and she has to go - Russell goes to jaison, and natalie? And says she has to go.. 4:48 Reality Daze: He goes then to Betsy, and that she needs to go. Russell says that his tribe believes anything he tells them. Mick's the leader of the tribe, but he's the puppetmaster, they'll run when he tells em too, walk when he tells him too, and then throw them away. 4:48 Reality Daze: Betsy goes and tells Kelly not to trust Russ - it's a womens intuition. 4:48 Reality Daze: Tribal council time.... 4:48 Reality Daze: (that might have been Ashley not Kelly..) 4:48 Reality Daze: (Damn blonds. *L*) 4:48 Reality Daze: Time to light their Torches.... 4:50 Reality Daze: Mike says the honey moon is over, and Ashley says it's a game, and they beat them. mike says they were lucky with the puzzle... Jeff says they were no where close... Liz says that they needed to be a bit more unified, they're only as strong as the weakest link. Betsy who do you think is the weakest link - she says ashley - ashley says that she's cardiowise physical fit, climbing the walls today, how is she the weakest? she doesn't understand.. 4:52 Reality Daze: Marissa says tehre's different levels of weakness - and she doesn't answer... Someone says assert yourself and answer the question - Ben - Russell H says that Marisa could ahve been the leader, knows how to say things, and Russell says that she told him she said she was nervous and she came at him. Marisa says she shared because Honest is the important - she didn't say she didn't trust him. She says she'd hate to go home right now - but if she did something to put a mark on her back, she needs to fix it, and it won't happen agian. It's time to vote... 4:53 Reality Daze: Russell voes for Marissa of course - play with fire, you'll get burned he says... 4:53 Reality Daze: Time to Tally the votes.... 4:53 Reality Daze: Once they're read, the decision is final... 4:54 Reality Daze: Marisa, Marisa, Ashley, Ashley, Marisa, (she frowns) Ashley - tied 3-3, Marisa, Marisa, First person voted out Survivor Samoa - Marisa. THat's 6, that's enough... 4:55 Reality Daze: Jeff says he knows that they don't need him to tell them how bad it is on that tribe. Hopefully the vote helped, otherwise they'll see a lot of him at Tribal council... 4:55 Reality Daze: Commercial! 4:56 [Comment From Billy] Hmmmm.... 4:57 Reality Daze: I give Russell 2 weeks before everyone catches on. *L* 4:57 [Comment From Billy] lol 4:58 [Comment From Billy] Dr. Will he is not? 4:58 Reality Daze: And by two weeks I mean OUR two weeks - which is 6 days for them. *L* I don't think he'll make Jury. 4:58 Reality Daze: H's not chamring enough for Dr. Will.. 4:58 [Comment From Billy] yeah ByeMarisa5:00
Reality Daze: Next time on Survivor – and epic battle fuels bad blood between the tribes – And Jeff throws someone out of the challenge – and Russell goes on the warpath…

Russell: she’s gonna crack – she’ll pay for that statement I’ll tell you that.

Marisa says she’s grateful for the experience, however short. It’s a hard pill to swallow, Russell makes trouble, and made it around her.

Reality Daze: And we’re clear! Thanks for watching with me, guys!
[Comment From Billy]
happy to!
[Comment From Billy]
only once a week now though…
Reality Daze: I know! I still feel weird without my headphones on. *L*
[Comment From Billy]
Reality Daze: There sure is a lot of white noise in my house I haven’t noticed for 3 months. *L*
[Comment From Billy]
[Comment From Billy]
I’ll be able to go to sleep earlier πŸ™‚
Reality Daze: *LOL* if not for my slight insomnia – me too! πŸ™‚
Reality Daze: Alrighty – closing this and back to work, I’ve a couple other recaps to get up and going here too in the next couple days. See ya’ll!


  • Jody says:

    Awesome recap Lessa!
    This is the first time recapping using the widget, right?
    Love it. Next week I’m going to try to pop in during commercials.

  • Tina Brown says:

    The first episode captured my attention. Russell will not last. Another Ronnie type from BB. He’s playng the game too hard and fast. Plus he really is annoying. If I feel this way, I’m sure the cast members are feelin’ too

    Had to do cat duty and pizza bites duty and did not get to post before the show was over. When I got back to the computer it was all over with. Darn it!

  • Eleven says:

    Leesa, please, if you read about any future appearances or news regarding Jeff & Jordon (I can’t give up on those two yet….)keep us informed.


  • Lessa says:

    Absolutely, Eleven! πŸ™‚

  • Catherine says:

    Hello ‘ello!!! Soooo, early daze, but it’s sure easy to want Russel gone. And soon! Yuck! He’s so gross and just nasty-creepy! A new level of disgust needs to be created just for him! Making up that story about Katrina….and dumping the water…burning socks! And he’s rich??? Just goes to prove that having money really can’t buy happiness. Cause if he was happy he’d be ummmmmm human! Or have some human traits anyway! Maybe the girl we love to hate should try and hook up with him! Oh, now there’s a match made in game show reality! Gnataliar, hope you’re watching cause he reminds me of you! That ought to scare her!!! LOL

  • Tina Brown says:

    This not about Survivor, but about Kevin, just read your stories – beautiful. lol thanks Power to single moms. My husband’s mother was a single mom of 5. When hubby was 2 he lost his father. At his age of 68 he still grasps at just one little memory but does not have any of his dad. I tell him one day he will finally meet him again. I feel very sad right now for all of our losses. lol πŸ™

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