Project Runway: Read all about it!

Posted by Lessa on September 21, 2009 in Project Runway |

pr-6-ep5-johnny-sakalis-first-dressOk, so the designers had to use newspapers as fabric, which meant a field trip to the LA Times, and dragging paper filled garbage bags so heavy the poor widdle designers can’t lift them back to the studio. Then there was designs, and catty comments and OMFG WHO CARES – Did you HEAR what TIM GUNN SAID?!

Ok – so – short story to get to the good stuff: Poor Johnny. Tim comes in to check on the designers, and tells him that it look like the Origami Cranes are attacking the dress that looked alright until he painted it blood red. Johnny scraps it, does a crossword puzzle and then slaps something else together. Johnny tells his model, and then the judges, a Tall Tale to explain the haphazard look he sent down the runway. He spun this little bit of drival about a steamer incident, and Nickalas chimes in and says that’s not what happened at all – tossed him right under the buss. Johnny wasn’t happy at all.

ChristopherSo Johnny’s OUT because of his ridiculous POS he sent down the runway, and Irina is the winner for her trenchcoat. Oddly, I’m like the only person who doesn’t see the appeal – I appreciate Christopher’s much more, and I think he totally should have won – his was STUNNING going down the runway – work of ART!

But then again, I wear t-shirts and yogapants 24-7. What do I know?

I do know THIS. I have never loved Tim Gunn so much as when he said the following after a very clipped “Clean up your workspace, Johnny.” Johnny walks away, and in the best OH NO HE DID-N’T moment EVER – Tim says:

“I’m incredulous at that utterly preposterous spewing of fiction that Johnny did on the Runway. It was ridiculous.”

Tim. Gunn. LOVE.

SO again – below – In. Out.


The rest of the season could totally suck – I don’t care, I’m completely satisfied with this Lifetime Project Runway.


  • Tina Brown says:

    You know Lessa, Fashion, for, some reason does not turn me on. I know it does for a lot of people. It really bores me to watch people walk around in clothes. I guess it because I see it all the time.Go figure what turns some people on.But I do luv to see them dance in those sexy costumes

  • Lessa says:

    I’m a big PR fan, though I know exactly 0 about Fashion, and live in yoga pants and t-shirts. I find it fascinating how cutthroat it can be – it appeals to my competitive nature. Just not to my larger than life figure. *L*

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