So, she thinks she can dance…

Posted by Lessa on September 22, 2009 in Daughters, Extra Curricular Activities |

Peppermist(and I’m so gonna get smacked for that title when she sees this one. πŸ™‚ )

Peppermist loves to dance.

She loves it so much that she doesn’t even mind that she’s a poor lil white baby with her Daddy’s (lack of) rhythm coupled with her mama’s (lack of) gracefulness. Hey, I married a guy with great HAIR, not great DANCE MOVES! Some things are just more important when it comes to genepool, ya know?

Give her a song with a beat or happy feet and she’ll bebop all over the house – right up until I get my camera out, of course.

Because when the camera gets out – we get this:


Cute – but not… exactly… dancing. She is an animated little darling though, isn’t she? ANYWAY – we were talking about dancing.

APPARENTLY – I am the worst mother in all the world because Peppermist has ALWAYS and FOREVER wanted to take dance lessons like her BFF Micky and it’s so CRUEL that i never let her do ANYTHING she wants SOB SNIFFLE SLAM. That last one is the door, naturally. This is also – how do they say it – not an actual representation of the event in question, but dramatized for television the internets. Yes.

She didn’t want to take regular dance though – and through some fabulously generous folks, (THANKS PAPA and B!) Peppermist is now spending two hours a week taking tap lessons – one hour “helping” the younger class so that she and her BFF can get ‘caught up’ on the basics, and a second hour with their age group, where they put it all into play.

Also, APPARENTLY, this means that you must have tap shoes, and MY idea of nailing old diet coke cans to her feet wasn’t good enough. I was just trying to be good and RECYCLE you know, but she had to shoot me down. She also insisted on using her own horded babysitting cash to pay for said shoes, so other than taking away all my fun, I really didn’t have a reason to say “no, do it MY way” which is also known as the “fun for MOM” way.

tappityPsssht. Whatever.

So her shoes arrived before last week’s practice, and Peppermist, she was so giddy she let me take pictures. WILLINGLY. While she bemoaned the fact we had no hardwood to make the taps REALLY sing.

To that, I just have one thing to say:

Dear 70s construction crew that chose cheap ass linoleum vs. hardwood,

Thank you.

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  • nana says:

    love me snarky dotter I do Obewankenobe

  • Stacey says:

    You are such a good mom…I don’t have daughters but I remember giving my mom hell in the 8th grade because I had never taken dance classes. I did it for one year then and got bored (or maybe it was having to dance to “Thriller” that turned me off!). I hope she enjoys the class.

  • Lessa says:

    You were bored dancing to Thriller? HOW?! Not that I, you know, ever danced to Thriller in the living room while my parents were at work and I was sneaking in some MtV before they got home or anything… πŸ™‚

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