Survivor: Samoa Ep 4 Recap!

Posted by Lessa on October 13, 2009 in CBS, Survivor: Samoa |

So, by saying that I’d get the recap up “in the morning” I meant “…on Tuesday.” Close enough, right? Right!

So let’s get this recap going!


We start at Foa Foa right after the Tribal Coucil, and Jaison says he can’t handle people that use terms that are meant to hurt on a basic level. He’s cold, hungry, tired. He came to have an adventure, but he believes it was the worst decision fo his entire life.

The next day, day 9, he talks to Russell, who tells us that he was upset with Ben and took them personal. If Ben would have stayed, Jaison would have quit – and what kinda man is that. They talk about needing hope, while Russell says he is willing to get rid of Jaison and whoever he wants to be gone will be gone, they’re all under his thumb right now.

Roll title sequence!

Back at Galu, Shambo isn’t happy. She says that they appreciated her at Foa Foa, and tells her tribemates that everything was better at the other camp. She tells us she’d have no problem going to Foa Foa because she had a following there – she just needs to make it to the merge, she’s good.

Erik goes to her and says he knows that she has the clues to the immunity idol, and that it’s likely in the same place there – and he’ll look for it. And here comes John and says the exact same thing. Shambo tells them both the clues and says they better vote for her if it comes to that, and she tells us that it should help her by being honest.

At Foa Foa – there’s tree mail. The Cheif has to choose two people to go on a mission that might lead them to more food. Mick says that he needs people who are strong – he’ll take Russell and Natalie. Russell strategies and Natalie is good at puzzles.

Challenge time! Galu’s leader Russell S brought Shambo, and Dave. They get there and find a big circle, and they’re all waiting for Jeff. They’re not sure what to do, as they stand there. There’s a cage with Chickens in it – that says “reward” and another chest too. Shambo thinks that they have the chase the chickents – Dave wonders if they should just jump over tehre and do stuff. They continue to stare at each other. Russell makes a move – and Dave and Shambo head over – there’s colored balls and instructions – Shambo has to put the chickens back.

They’re left on their own – there’s a flag and three balls – they all toss balls toward the flag, the one closes to the flag wins – it’s bocci ball. Dave says it’s awesome! and they get to win chickens. They go chiefs first, ladies, then the men.

Russell knocks Micks closest, and Foa Foa is ahead – Natalie is up, and accidently knocks Mick out.. Shambo tries to knock Mick out, but is off. Foa Foa is still closest – Shambo was no good. It’s down to Russell and Dave with their three. Russell is right in there, and Dave is close, but not close enough. Russell is RIGHT there – which might get it done, Dave has to hit the stick. Mick is tasting chicken already… but Dave takes a deep breath, and lets fly… and HITS THE STICK! Rolls right up next to it! GALU WINS REWARD!

Mick says he’s tired of losing to those guys, it split him in half to see them walk off with the chickens, it’s ridiculous that they can’t even pull off bocci ball. Heh.

Erik is glad that he wasn’t chosen, and hopes he can find the immunity idol. He has about 10 minutes, and searches around while the others take naps. One of them wakes up, sees him digging around, decides to go back to sleep. Erik keeps looking, AND FINDS IT! He hides it elsewhere, and says he won’t tell anyone he’s got it, plans on using it down the road.

Russell, Shambo and Dave carry the chickens home. Shambo says she knows about chickens, they want someone who won’t accidentally let one out. Dave says inside he’s cheering however he’s trying to stay centered and humbled, because getting cocky is a sure fire way to be voted out.

Shambo says that chickens are finicky, they have to know you and like you and she’ll be kind to them and they’ll give her eggs in return. Heh. She clucks at them, while Dave and Erik stare at her.

Foa Foa – the challengers get home, and Jaison says normally he’d be hungry for a win, but he just wants to survive another day at this point. It’s raining, and Russell tells us that his true alliance changes all the time. He isn’t sure he’d take Jaison, he might not last. Natalie is too stupid to do it herself, she needs him, and he can say she rode him like a horse.

Natalie and Russell chat on the beach, and says that it’s them two in the finals, and she tells us that she’s his wing man, and she thinks people underestimate her, and she will use that to her advantage. She knows she can beat Russell, because he rubs people the wrong way, she’s trying to just build good relationships.

Galu – Shambo’s talkin to the chickens again. The others are considering cookin chicken – and Shambo lets a chicken escape. Erik runs after and says that if he has to kill it – he’ll do it. Dave calls them tweedle dee and tweedle dumb – Erik is chasing and gets clotheslined by the clothesline – pure comedy right tehre, says Dave.

The chicken goes into a tree – shambo says she didn’t know they could fly. Russell says she’s not calling her stupid, but it’s a bird. He was stunned. The chicken’s up in a tree – and Yas won’t even look and help find it. They all blame Shambo for the chicken, of course. Shambo says she produced an egg – but no, the CHICKEN produced it – no one cares, and they’re not even looking for the chicken. Dave says “this tribe sucks.”

Galu – day 11. Yas is watching Kelly opening a cocunut, says watching her makes her sleepy. SHe says she’s sick of her doing nothing. She won’t share it, and instead goes and shares the coconut milk with others. They’re focused on bringing a strong team to the merge, and Kelly is sure Yas would be the first to go if they do lose a challenge.

Which means – it’s Immunity Challenge Time! THere’s Mr. Dimples! HI JEFF!

They will race across a net run, carrying wooden block – stack them. Go across a rope bridge, find more blocks, a second higher stack. Galu sits out Russell, Shambo, Laura and Dave. Survivor’s ready? GO!

The net run looks FUN! They grab the blocks and take off bouncing and running across the net run. All the blocks have to hit the mat -then they can start stacking. They’re dead even when they start stacking. One block on top of another. Foa Foa has Jaison for height – Galu put the little girls on shoulders, and then it has to stand for a count of five… Galu go! Foa Foa is right behind them Go!

John races across the rope bridge, Jaison isn’t far behind, but slower, followed by Liz, Yasmin extends the lead, and Galu is hustling across the bridge. Eric makes it look easy. Monica is on the coarse for Galu – Foa Foa needs to make up time – and they do! Natalie SMOKES Monica, she’s taking forever getting across that robe – breathing hard as Natalie cruises, and it’s neck and neck again – every second counts in this challenge… Kelly and Ashely on the course, and Ashley catches them up even farther, then Russell for Foa Fao SMOKES IT, it’s Neck and neck, mere seconds seperating them – Go Galu, Go Foa Foa!

They untie the blocks, then start stacking – Galu starts working first, getting their bags untied quickly – Foa Foa finally gets theirs undone. This stack is a lot higher. Foa Foa picks up the pace – Natalie on Jaison is a big height advantage… Natalie stands up, Foa Fao wants this win – Galue is putting up the last three blocks with Klly, natalie has the last bloc -Kelly loses too blocks, Natalie places the final block.. 1…2…3…4…5… FOA FOA WINS IMMUNITY! Seeing Jaison count that out was so cute! For the first time, Foa Foa will not be at Tribal Council.

Thunder roars, and Jeff says there’s a big cloud over Galu. See them at Tribal. Russell says monica disappeared at the challenge – and Monica just didn’t have the toughness needed.

Back at camp, Russell S. tells us he was pissed off, they shouldn’t have lost, until Monica fell apart and cost them the lead. He talks to erik about it, and says that she’s hanging out having a good time like it’s club med or something. Eric says his mindset is the same as his.

Dave thinks that Shambo’s collosal screwups are a shot to the team moral, but Yasmin doesn’t do anything. They want her gone. Monica says some names are going around – she thinks it’ll be Yasmin, but it’s survivor, crazier things happen. Yasmin and Shambo talk, and they blame the loss on Monica and Yasmin says she didn’t come up short, and she don’t help around camp because people are looking for folks to do soemthing wrong. She tells us that she’s winning challenges, and if you penalize her for stepping up? So be it, vote her out, her body could use a rest.

Erik says that voting yasmin is crazy talk, because she is stronger in challenges – he points out it’d be a vote against the leader, which they could do – but he doesn’t want to be on the Chief’s bad side.

Erik talks to Russell and lets him know that the votes are going to Yasmin, and he says it pisses him off – he completely disagrees with this decision. Monica dragged her butt. He doesn’t want cute, he wants performance. Monica is a liability. He wantsthe strongest tribe – he’s the leader, and they gotta listen to him or there will be serious ass kickin.

Tribal council time!

For the first time, Galu lights their torch. Fire represents their life in the game. Shambo – interesting afternoon? She says yeah, everyone wasa little uneasy, walks and whispering going on, it’s not good, they don’t want to be there. Brett is everyone pulling equal share at camp? He says that there are peopl who do more than they should, Yasmin doesn’t – Jeff calls her out for rolling her eyes, she says she does whatever people ask her to do, and if they had talked about it before hand – she’d have stepped it up, and she might not belong in the jungle because she wore heels -but she wanted to dress up for Jeff. Hah. Jeff says mission accomplished.

Russell says challenges are the base, without that, everything topples. Yasmin agrees – she says she’s competitive and lvoes to compete, and agrees 101% and today Monica struggled. Monica says it sucks to hear her name, she thought she did a good job, and came back to her normal self. Dave – strategy, camp life, or challenges – big moves too soon and you destroy the tribe? Dave says what’s good for the tribe is good for him. Laura says whoever does more at camp is who will get her vote.

And it’s time to vote:
Yasmin, Yasmin, Monica, Monica, Yasmin, Yasmin, Yasmin, Yasmin.


Monica breathes a huge sigh of relief. Jeff says they lost a tribe member, and momentum. The question is – can they get it back? goodnight!

Next Time on Survivor: It’s the icky food challenge! And massive rain storms – everyone is wet and cold, and Liz confronts Russell!

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