Guess What Today Is!

Posted by Lessa on October 17, 2009 in PSA |

It’s PSA Saturday, that’s what it is!

What’s PSA Saturday? It’s the day I clear out my inbox of all the AWESOME things a group of LOVELY ladies send to me to pass on to you guys! Check it out!

First up – Deana wants to know – Have you signed up for the sweepstakes yet? WHY NOT? once a day every day for another month, and you could be the proud new owner of a brand new GE Strong as Steel Appliance! Hank and Lisa have another set of helpful hints for us – this time by letting us know three of the common cooking mistakes folks make. Which one of these have YOU done?

* Not allowing their cookware or oven to heat up. It’s best to start with a hot surface, and then add food – just like you should always warm-up before diving into a workout!
* Not using enough salt and pepper. Always use it! Seasoning is important!
* Not having fun. Don’t be nervous. It’s only cooking!

Not only are the GE Appliances shiny andnew – they’re also proud owners of Energy Star Ratings! All of the ENERGY STAR qualified GE refrigerators sold in 2007 were designed to avoid the emissions of more than a whopping 944,000 metric tons of CO2 over the course of their lifetime compared to an equal number of conventional refrigerators! WOW. That is equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions of more than 180,000 cars on the U.S. roads.

So what are you waiting for? SIGN UP TODAY – the widget is right over THERE -> !


DTFNext up is Kristen and the Discover The Forest campaign! We talked a little bit about it before – the Discover the Forest “Where the other You lives” campaign hopes to stir your interest and rekindle a love of nature in you and your kids. Their website has a bunch of ideas of where to visit and what to do, and now? There’s a chance to win CASH in the Discover the Forest Sweepstakes!

It’s not just any sweepstakes either – oh no! The Discover the Forest sweepstakes is an interactive photo/art sweepstakes that encourages kids to head into the forest and return with a photo or piece of artwork that somehow represents their journey. Go out, explore and then go to the sit and upload your child’s photo or drawing depicting their nature experience. Then you can vote on all of the pictures in the gallery! Entering a picture and sharing your adventure with the world!

All those that submit artwork are eligible to win a $100 or $1000 The North Face Gift Certificate! Also, anyone who votes is eligible to win a $50 The North Face Gift Certificate! It’s a great incentive to get your families and friends to check out your child’s masterpiece online.

So what are YOU waiting for? Sign up for the above sweepstakes, then go outside and get your Nature-Walk on, and enter to win awesome gear from The North Face!


And last but CERTAINLY not least, Mary Ann knows this is a little off topic, but hey – Teenagers need pets too, right? And Mama always said – all you can do is hope and pray they make the right choice – and this choice involves the adopting of a Shelter animal, instead of going to a pet store or breeders.

The Humane Society of the US and Maddie’s Fund, along with the Ad Council has a new campaign called the Shelter Pet Project. The website includes a lot of great adoption resources, including a Pet Personal matching questionnaire and e-cards to send to your friends and family.

The site is easy to use, and a lot of fun to look through. beware though – faces like these:


Are totally hard to resist! Check it out today – and find your perfect furry friend at a shelter near you!


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