Tis the season…

Posted by Lessa on October 26, 2009 in Product News and Reviews |

NeccoWafers…for lots of candy, fa la la la la, la la la la…

Raise your hand if you bought a bag of Halloween candy, and you and the kids have already eaten it! Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Ok. Just us then. Fortunately, what I got in the mail the other day will save my Halloween stash – if I can keep the kids out of the box.

My husband had a few loves in his life: Me, His Kids, Sharp and Pointy Things, Things that Go BANG, and sweets. Not necessarily in that order, all the time, either! His all time favorite was Oreo Cookie Stuff. No, not the COOKIES, but the Stuff in the middle. In fact, our kids were 3 or so before they discovered that Oreos had Stuff, because Daddy would lick the stuff out and give them the chocolate cookie! Oh the look of shock when they first got that delicious lick… Priceless.

The other thing was something I NEVER understood: Necco Wafers. I’m just a Reeses kinda gal. Kevin and the kids though, they LOVE them. Love love LOVE them. They’d flick them at each other like coins, they’d suck and crunch and exclaim over how good they were, they’d pile together on the couch and share a tube of them while watching TV. He even shared them with the dog. It was something that was theirs, just theirs, because Mom is a total weirdo and didn’t want any. I always made sure when he was home from work to have a package (or 10) on hand.

A couple week ago, I received notice that the first 50 lucky mom’s to email the lovely Danielle would get to try the all new All Natural Necco Wafers, just in time for Halloween. I couldn’t send the email fast enough then crossed my fingers. (Crossing them FIRST would have made it difficult to type, see?) Then? Then they came in the mail this weekend. I knew once the kids knew what was in the box, it would be all over.

So I hid them.
And ate them all myself.
(No, not really.)

tasty2Of COURSE I had the kids be my taste-testers – and have had to smack little (and not so little!) hands away from the box ever since – lest I not have any left over for Halloween! It started a lot of “remember when..” too, and I was thrilled to bring that little bit of their dad back to them as they crunched away happily on the wafer treat.

Necco Wafers has a rich 145 year history, and are the first mass produced candy brand to go all natural – and are proud to be made with only natural flavors and colors, with no high fructose corn syrup or other artificial ingredients. And? They’re fat free! All Natural Necco Wafers come in 7 great flavors that are Lessa’s Kid’s Approved: Orange, Lemon, Chocolate, Clove, Cinnamon, Wintergreen and Licorice. We also received a handful of All Natural Chocolate Necco Wafers, which come in 4 flavors: Dark, White, milk and Mocha, and have the kids clamoring for more!

So – if you or you’re loved ones are the type to go clamoring for Necco Wafers, be sure to hit my house come Halloween. If we have any left, I’ll let you try some! If not, or if you think the trek to Alaska might be a bit far for the wafer, be sure to check them out at their website, facebook, and even follow them on twitter – and get some Necco Wafer’s today!


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