The Top Five Reasons I'm Glad The Boy Took Shop Class

Posted by Lessa on November 4, 2009 in Education, High School, NaBloPoMo 2006 |

shopclassheroCounting down, Letterman style…

5. Power Tools Make Boys Happy.
Now, I’m sure they make girls happy too, but well, we’re talking about The Boy here, and he has that gene that makes his eyes light up when he plugs in a power tool. That evil little gleam that he inherited from his father, that says “I can TAKE STUFF APART with this!” I always wondered why that gleam didn’t also say “I can FIX THINGS with this!” too.

4. I never worry about him NAPPING in shop class.
For the boy who prefers to sleep his way through high school, this is a plus. A love of Power Tools and Many Loud Noises means he’s not sleeping in at least ONE class this semester!

3. It’s useful stuff, they’re learning!
This isn’t algebra, where you are sure you’ll never use it again – never in the history of EVER, even. This is a class that teaches them how to fix things around the house. AKA: Make Mom Happy. In theory, anyway, as that doesn’t mean they ARE fixing stuff around the house. It just means they CAN fix things around the house. With their power tools. That they love. And use to dismantle entire rooms.

2. They teach them stuff about CARS too!
Like, more than “this is where the key goes, car goes vroom!” stuff! That’s the extent of my car knowledge, but the boy? He’s rewired The Beast’s wire harness, fixed headlights, tail lights, checked fluids, rebuilt full engines, done oil changes… this is all useful stuff for my son to know! Why? Because…

1. He VOLUNTEERED to take MY CAR to school today for an oil change!
That’s right. I bought the oil, the filter, and handed him the keys, and I get a free oil change from the boys at school. Even without all that other stuff? That would CERTAINLY be reason enough to have you’re kids take shop class, right? EXACTLY right!

… I wonder if I can get Peppermist to take shop class next year…

Think if I bribe her with the picture above – and promise her that’s what ALL the boys in shop class look like that – think that’ll work?

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  • Heidi says:

    heck id go to shop class again for that pic…drools…tell the boy to come over to his other moms house this weekend and he can learn to put siding up on a house, take part Z’s other el camino, fix brakes…

  • Lessa says:

    You n me both! *L*

    And The boy says “I’m going to her house this weekend ANYWAY…” *L*

  • Nana says:

    it would work for me, too. 😉

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