Happy Holidays!

Posted by Lessa on December 26, 2009 in Holidays |

I’m the type of mom – like so many of us parents are – who wants my kids to have everything, or at least some of the things they want desperately. First, of course, comes what they need, then what they want, but especially at Christmas? What hey want is also important. It’s hard when we can’t afford those types of things, and I find myself doing things I wouldn’t normally do in order to ensure that some of those things find their way under the tree. I accept help from the school, and as soon as I can I plan to pay that forward, and return the favor. And I also take advantage of the fact that my kids are old enough now to have some Big Topic Talks.

Which was how, a few weeks ago, I was able to put a plan into motion. It went kinda like this:

Me: So, Santa’s broke, still. And I was thinking…
Peppermist: Did it hurt?
Pup: Thought I smelt something burnin…
Me: …brats. I was thinking that WE(Wii) might ask Santa for one family gift that WE(Wii) might enjoy together, that WE(Wii) might like instead of individual gifts.

It took them a couple minutes, but finally it broke through and the cheers went up “WE(Wii) WOULD LOVE THAT.”

The boy, of course, said he didn’t care. He was more about things for his truck, and tools, than anything else. So while I put things for that into motion behind the scenes, I worked to get the Wii the girls wanted so desperately. The boy was then THRILLED to discover extra cash in his account for the truck. Mission accomplished.

The other request was one of those stupid fuckin’ Zhu Zhu pets. Those things, with all the accessories that the pup wanted with it, too, are way to expensive. Instead, then, while she was hiding out at Aunties, the teens and I got her a REAL hamster, cage, ball and book about the care and keeping of the little bugger. She was THRILLED – well, first, she was confused because we gave her everything in the box the cage came in, THEN brought out the hamster from where he’d been hiding in Peppermist’s room – THEN she as THRILLED. And shocked. And NutterButter has a doting human to shower him with affection – and I still came out ahead cash-wise. Heh.

The smiles on my kids – and my niece and nephews – faces is more than enough of a gift for me. That’s all I want, is for them to feel special everyday – but at Christmas especially. But the Boy… that darn boy… He decided it wasn’t going to be enough for HIM this Christmas. He wanted me to feel special, to have something I wanted, but would never get for myself, or let him get for me had I known he planned too. It was too much – and I was completely shocked…

Yup – that’s an iPod Touch (cradled next to my many chins), and my son? Is in SO MUCH TROUBLE… as soon as I get over the awesomeness of my new toy…

… yeah, he’s pretty safe. And has been excused from gift giving to mom for like, the next 2-5 years of birthdays, mother’s days and Christmases. hehe.

So here’s hoping that you and yours were able to get some of the things you needed, some of the things you wanted, and more importantly, were able to see though the squeals and squabbles and mounds of shredded wrapping paper to discover just how special your family is as they crowded around you. Especially if they were nice enough to give you ONE DAY to take as many pictures as you wanted, without making faces, hiding, or worse.

Even if it makes you see JUST HOW TALL your lil tiny baby is next to you and Nana… Sigh.

Merry Christmas, PTB readers. Bring on the New Year!


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