
Posted by Lessa on September 17, 2010 in work |

A bit of excitement at work yesterday!

Mr. AP (asset protection) asked for backup, as he needed someone to get into the ladies room where a suspected shoplifter was doing exactly what he alleged she was doing! Now, I’m not much of a lady, but I agreed to go in anyway, and see what I could hear and see. (Not approach her, simply gain info. Dammit. I was looking forward to going all Law and Order on her ass!) It was quite obvious what she was doing.

Alas, she was a bit sneakier than I, and I didn’t find the wrappings right off. However – Ms. Shoplifter? I know your secrets now, and you owe me for the injury suffered while getting the remnants of your nefarious deed from the TP holder!

Think I’m kidding? LOOK:

The redness has faded now, but I am sporting a bruise.

So beware, Shoplifters everywhere… we’re totally on to you! And it’s my bonus you’re stealing – so next time? Law and Order, baby!

(Man, I love my job! πŸ™‚ )

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