A long day.

Posted by Lessa on September 21, 2010 in Widow Speak |

It’s currently 1am, and I’m finally at the point where I can stop and know that I’ll actually finish up. It’s been about 13 hours, 1 broken bed, several spider sightings and killings, umpteen garbage bags of 5 years of crap, lots of laughter and “OMG LOOK AT THAT” and pleasant memories as we dug through a whole buncha shit. Some things were collected, oh so much more was tossed out without a second thought, and I can see the floor in my room for the first time in at least five years. And, for the first time in five years, I am sleeping with new pillows, instead of Kevin’s.

It’s a good thing, but I am EXHAUSTED.

It wasn’t as difficult emotionally as I expected, partially because a good portion of that was spent with Peppermist helping, laughing, and generally making a tough job much more enjoyable. The Pup joined in for a while too – but was more intent on finding treasures buried in the pile. Like these:

Those pants shes wearing, that are only a couple inches too big? Those were pants that Kevin wore when we met. He had a size 29 waist then, until I got a hold of him and fattened him up a bit. *L* Needless to say, the pup and Peppermist were thrilled with this discovery, and the pup has decided to keep the pants and ‘grow into them’. *L*

My kids are AWESOME.

I finally located some hats and sunglasses that I had promised the boy too, so he’s happy – even though he has to make a dump run in the next couple days because of the vast amounts of crap we bagged up to toss.

So now, as soon as my comforter is done drying, I’m gonna crawl between fresh brand new sheets and a still warm comforter, curl up around my brand new pillows, and sleep.

It was a long day, but I’m feeling more content than sad, and that, my friends, is something to be glad about.

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