
Posted by Lessa on September 24, 2010 in work |

It started two days ago. T, from personnel came up to the Photo Desk where I was working and told me that I needed to change my career preferences, immediately. There were a couple positions opening, and ‘can you do it there, on that computer because I mean do it now. No, like right now.’ So I did.

Yesterday, I was elbows deep in our HP printer, getting it to realize that yes, we’d changed the overspray tray the day before, and Assistant Mgr W comes up and says “Got a minute?” and when I said yes, followed up with “Good, I’m going to interview you now. let’s go.”

That’s when I passed out.
Just kidding.
(but I did instantly panic!)

So we interview for the position, and it went pretty well, I thought, because W loves me anyway, and well, I could sorta tell that he wanted me for the position, and all -specially with T telling me about the preferences and stuff. And, of course, there was the part where he said “So, what you’ll be doing is… uh, I mean, IF you get the position…” Hehehehe!

So, after the interview, he tells me that he’ll let me know today if I get it. And that left me to be nervous and ask all of you for the good vibes to be sent my way. And that brings us to today…

Mgr W wanders past me once. twice. three times (a lady… wait.. no..) and just says hi, how’re things, and wanders off again. Leaving me to be all hyperventilating and stuff. I let my co-worker know what was going on, and stuff. Then, finally, Mgr W wanders around my counter and says…

W: so, having fun?

And I died. And then resurrected to go “OMG PLEASE JUST TELL ME!” At which point he did, and said that after his lunch, we’d do the paperwork and he’d offer me the job – and we’d make it official.


So, that resulted in me getting the weekend off, and I start at 7am Monday, where I’ll train side by side with the girl who’s place I’m taking and try to learn absolutely everything during the next week. πŸ™‚ There was no problem with my time off already requested and approved for TBF’s wedding, though I do have to work a full shift beforehand, instead of the half I was gonna. No biggy, I’ll catch a later flight from Kenai, and still make the red-eye. And best of all…

Mgr W: I have a TREMENDOUS amount of confidence in you. That’s why I offered you the position. You’ll do good.

So. That’s how I got a promotion today, and why you’re all now reading the blog of the brand spankin new Merchandise Supervisor of Jewelry at our Local Walmart. πŸ™‚

All together now…


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