Questions… and an answer.

Posted by Lessa on September 8, 2011 in this-n-that |

Question the First:
the other day at work, someone I went to school with shows up. I don’t recognize his name at first, but we chat and it’s light-hearted and I tease his kids, find out he’s a single dad, just moved back home and in the end – hand off my number so we can catch up sometime.

Text mom – and say ??? Do we know this dude? Realize who it is. Oh. dear. Not a fan in jr high/high school. But it was 20 years ago, so who knows. Did do a quick background check (thanks to mom working where she does) and there are a couple red flags. But…all I said was “gimme a call sometime, we’ll catch up.” He’ll never call.

He called.

I didn’t recognize the number, so didn’t answer, and listened to the message. Apologized for waiting a couple days, said to call back. Nothing big, or anything.

So – do I call him back, and do the old (not)friend catchup thing or not?

Question the 2nd:

On a scale of 1-10, how desperate does one have to be to sign up for a dating site? Is it really acceptable in today’s society? especially as someone [we wont say who] tends to type better than talk anyway? As frightening as that is when one considers her lack of spelling and grammar skills?

No, I will not delve into the reasons behind the previous post. Let’s just say: It’s been 6 years, what’s another decade or two? The end.

Question the 3rd:
Hello? Does anyone still even check this thing since I tend to forget it too?

There is no question 4.

1 Comment

  • mama says:

    1) life is full of chances (first typed chanGes) so, go with your gut on question the first
    2) repeat 1) re question the second – whatever you do, you have support and love on this end (and a mama who knows the system – haha)
    3) Answer re previous post: sorry, sweetie – some people don’t know what they’re missing (fey? me? you DO know me, right?)
    4) I check! 🙂
    5) the answer to the unasked question – 42


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