Oh. Hello there.

Posted by Lessa on March 18, 2012 in ..driving lessons..., family, Randomosity |

I keep forgetting this exists. Shame on me. I know you’ve all been eagerly awaiting my next adventures in Dating Land, and wait with bated breath for work tales of woe and such.

(Yeah, I know. I’m talking to myself. It’s all good. heh.)

Truth is? I’m too fuckin tired all the time. I work my ass off – though not literally cuz that would be cool, right? – then I also go out on occasion, with a movie buddy and out dancing (where I normally sit alone and people watch. hee), and then there’s the Pup’s swimming, and concerts etc, etc, etc…

Aka. Life. I know. Fascinating.

So, to recap:
I’m alive.
I’ve dated a couple of times.
I’ve a movie buddy who is just a friend.
I’ve a FWB who keeps me on a even keel. Hee.
I have work – which is hell, as always.
I have friends, which is awesome.
I have the kids, who are awesome too.

— The boy’s moved out for real now, and lives a couple blocks away with his best friends.
— The girl is crawling toward graduation, and hopefully will make it there. Otherwise I’ll have to kill her, which is not good at all. Hee.
— The Pup is swimming, and doing fantastically at it. We’re hoping for her first Junior Olympic time this year.

So all in all – despite the lack of an actual boyfriend – life is good. 🙂

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