
Posted by Lessa on June 16, 2012 in ..driving lessons..., Plenty Of Fish In The Sea, Romance - pfft. |

..updates I suppose.

When I helped him move, the week before he decided we had to take a break from each other, I was given his love seat and coffee table. Tonight is the first night I’ve actually used them. It’s odd how something so little can trigger so much, but it’s all apart of the train-wreck, and as such must be felt and dealt. (Don’t even get me started on the mattress.. heh.)

I mentioned on Facebook that I was playing Diablo III, mainly because I know he wants to desperately and can’t. Yes, I am not above such things. *L* About thirty seconds later, he commented that he was jealous and I was amused. Then I got a text that said “You don’t have to completely not talk to me :-/”

If I were keeping score – that would be a point for me. If I were. Which I’m not. (YAY POINTS. shush.)

The following conversation was all of 5 messages, and I kept it as terse as possible. He asked for a break, after all, “from each other” and no where in there do I see “you can still talk to me whenever you want” right? So I didn’t reply again, and didn’t start any other conversations.

So he showed up at work on Thursday.

(Point two. just sayin.)

He asked me why I was ignoring him, and I pointed out “Hey, you said we were taking a break, and you haven’t said anything to me either.” He said I’d stopped talking and I pointed out the last message sent was from me – so HE quit talking. He said he expected a hello or something the next day, I told him oh well. I did give him a hug, and admitted that I had missed him. Then pointed out that my silence lead him to miss me so much he came to see me at work. He just gave that little huff of breath that didn’t deny anything, and after we talked for a few, he gave me a hug and said “Stay. in. touch.”

I was good that I didn’t text him that night, nor the next day until he commented on my post about going to see Rock of Ages (Which was FANTASTIC!) – he said “If memory serves (him) right, (I) made fun of that move and didn’t want to see it, what gives?” Ah, I had to correct him on his incorrect memories. I was telling him about the preview, and that it had Tom Cruise in it of all things, and he made fun of Tommy, and pfft and took over the conversation. So I never mentioned it again. At all.

Then I followed it with a text and pointed out that he’d made fun of it, (and thus me) and so I never made my intention and internal fangirly delight known. He said “uhhuh.”

Sometimes I don’t even know. It’s alright though, I guess. I intend to have a good time tonight too – out partying with Scotty’s band again. He always makes me smile. In fact, I invited a man to join me, AND I’m considering corset-ing up too. We’ll see how I feel in a bit after my shower. Hee.

He makes fun of my bar crawls – but who can beat live music, played by a friend, and a margarita or two? Exactly. I don’t even care if I don’t get asked to dance. I’ll have fun singing along – just like I did last night at the movie.

All together now…

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