
Posted by Lessa on October 21, 2014 in work |

Lessons in patience:

LEdAnusFriend: Is it snowing?
Bobblehead: no – but it’s wiiiiiiiiindy! No snow. First time I can remember that on my (mentions it AGAIN) birthday (still not acknowledging the blatant bid for attention) there’s no snow. Sure it’s usually only a little, but still.
Me: (bite. tongue. bite. tongue)
Bobblehead: I hear they’re getting PUMMELED in Anchortown though. Just POUNDED.

She leaves. and my friend and I just DIE… Anchortown got all of a couple inches and it melted. We check, just to be sure – and sure enough – sunny skies up there. But ya know, the know-it-all piece of management loved perfection says they are getting PUMMELED with the snow.. it’s just POUNDING on them right now….

This is just a sample. A teeny tiny and mostly amusing one – and I didn’t even touch on the bobbleheading… *headdesk* I don’t know how much longer i can take this. Good thing my mommy taught me not to say anything if I can’t say somethin’ nice… too bad I’ma bite a hole in my tongue by the end of this… Hahah!

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