French Ad – AIDS protection!
..not for the faint of heart, though it’s very cute and very well done just a leeeetle vulgar. (Which is why I love it so!) and since I cant put it on my parenting teens blog (well I COULD but…) I put it here. NSFW exactly either. *L* Enjoy. And I kinda love the French. […]
So, since I have a swimmer in the house now, I hear an awful lot about Michael Phelps, and other Olympic swimmers – and I’ve already sounded off about the big controversy revolving around the kid and that picture that’s been floating round, too. Because ya know I have an opinion and all, right? But […]
HOW did I not know of the AWESOME?
Let me be clear – I have loved Neil Patrick Harris for a long time – long time. But How I Met Your Mother always conflicted with something else, so I was unaware of the AWESOME that is Barny. I know. I r shamed. However, since everyone is always raving about it, I went ahead […]
Is it just me…
….or is this an unfortunate design choice? Brazil’s beach vollyball’s uniforms – numbered 1 and 2… just like every other team. But their tops? say this: Yes. Their uniform tops say Bra 1 and Bra 2. I’m not ashamed to say that I giggled so hard I couldn’t tell mom at first what I was […]