You know that point…

Posted by Lessa on June 19, 2012 in ..driving lessons..., Plenty Of Fish In The Sea, rants, Romance - pfft. |

….where you are so angry, it fades away into simply being -tired-? Yeah. I’m there. And I’m done. I’d tell him so – but he deserves nothing from me, and that is exactly what I”m going to give him. Nada. Empty. Finito.

You know that point…

Posted by Lessa on June 19, 2012 in ..driving lessons..., Plenty Of Fish In The Sea, rants, Romance - pfft. |

….where you are so angry, it fades away into simply being -tired-? Yeah. I’m there. And I’m done. I’d tell him so – but he deserves nothing from me, and that is exactly what I”m going to give him. Nada. Empty. Finito.

You know that point…

Posted by Lessa on June 19, 2012 in ..driving lessons..., Plenty Of Fish In The Sea, rants, Romance - pfft. |

….where you are so angry, it fades away into simply being -tired-? Yeah. I’m there. And I’m done. I’d tell him so – but he deserves nothing from me, and that is exactly what I”m going to give him. Nada. Empty. Finito.

You know that point…

Posted by Lessa on June 19, 2012 in ..driving lessons..., Plenty Of Fish In The Sea, rants, Romance - pfft. |

….where you are so angry, it fades away into simply being -tired-? Yeah. I’m there. And I’m done. I’d tell him so – but he deserves nothing from me, and that is exactly what I”m going to give him. Nada. Empty. Finito.


Posted by Lessa on June 17, 2012 in Color me amused |

…no, not the city, or the hotel, but a man – and not just any man. Folks I know in the states, places like California and the like, would probably not be quite as enamored with Paris as I am – but that is because, according to Pretty Woman, there are people like him everywhere. […]

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