Pup Moments:

Posted by Lessa on February 16, 2007 in family |

The Pup: See? It’s a wolverine! I made a wolverine! Me: ooook. The Pup: See? It has a face! and a HAT. All Wolverine’s have hats! Me: …… The Pup: They do! I know because my teacher’s son is a Wolverine! Me: …… The Pup: Oh. Wait. He’s in the Army. Me: ….OH! you mean […]


But MO-OM!

Posted by Lessa on February 11, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

The Boy: Can I have some cough meds? Me: Sure, here ya go. The Boy: NO! Not the NIGHT TIME stuff! It’ll make me go to sleep! Me: Hrm. School night. Could be that’s the point. The Boy: Lemme have the daytime, please? Me: No, it’ll keep you up all night! The Boy: Will not! […]

Drama, drama, drama!

Posted by Lessa on February 11, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

 So, we had a bit of drama yesterday. As mentioned before, my sister’s dog had nine puppies, much to the delight of The pup, who was able to be there for numbers 3 and 4 before school, and number 9 afterwards. They’re now just over a week old, and the pup still loves to go […]


Gaming, old style!

Posted by Lessa on February 10, 2007 in family |

So, for christmas, I got the kids a few PS2 games. They’ve played them all, except for the collection of Arcade Games because they’d misplaced the disk when we packed up the tree. Well, they rediscovered it tonight. Oh. My. God. The giggling! First, the boy played Smash TV. He freaked. out. “The graphics! OMG […]


There’s absolutely no living with her now!

Posted by Lessa on January 30, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

Remember when the pup went to the Challenger Learning Center and participated in a tele-conference with the crew of Discovery Space Shuttle? And how TBF works for a paper in his town in CA? Well, they have a feature called “Enterprise On the Road” and people take the paper places and submit pictures. Well, I […]

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