Lessons in patience: Friend: Is it snowing? Bobblehead: no – but it’s wiiiiiiiiindy! No snow. First time I can remember that on my (mentions it AGAIN) birthday (still not acknowledging the blatant bid for attention) there’s no snow. Sure it’s usually only a little, but still. Me: (bite. tongue. bite. tongue) Bobblehead: I hear they’re […]
Do you ever…
…have that dream where you forget some important article of clothing, and you are ridiculed because of the fact? Ever have it come TRUE? Yeah, no. Me either. HOWEVER. Let me introduce you to my Friday. It started out innocently enough. Got up, got showered, muttered about how freakin early it was, got The Boy […]
No, not me. Today at work I was speaking to a manager, in one of my departments. He touched an item of clothing, and it fell off the hanger. Then he couldn’t figure out how to get it back on said hanger. Cue me laughing as he admitted… “See? This is why I shouldn’t touch […]
For the first time since getting promoted – I didn’t finish my BAM screens. Not even close. I r sad. 🙁 Stupid Mondays!
…isn’t he? I concur. *sneezes. sniffs. coughs.* Pretending to not be sick at work makes for a miserable evening where it all crashes down again. I dun feel gud. Of course – work was aided by my getting QUITE PISSED OFF there for a few hours. Heh. Now I’m just all “eh. Fuck you.”