
Posted by Lessa on February 5, 2007 in this-n-that |

I tried to resist snarking on the new brand for Anchorage. I tried! I failed. But oh! it was fun to write!


It’s an all animal friday post!

Posted by Lessa on February 2, 2007 in this-n-that |

Thats right – it’s all about the animals today. And no, for once, I don’t mean the kids. Mostly. I’m sure you’re bored with my talking about all of the animals round here – but I don’t care. Ha! My blog, my randomosity! Yay! So, without further ado: –  So, had to take Annabelle to […]


There’s absolutely no living with her now!

Posted by Lessa on January 30, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

Remember when the pup went to the Challenger Learning Center and participated in a tele-conference with the crew of Discovery Space Shuttle? And how TBF works for a paper in his town in CA? Well, they have a feature called “Enterprise On the Road” and people take the paper places and submit pictures. Well, I […]

Sense and Sensibility…

Posted by Lessa on January 30, 2007 in this-n-that |

see: OH so grumpy girl, stomping down the hallway as I nag her to take a shower. (Stop laughing, nana!) How dare I look in her direction, let alone speak in her direction and GOD MOM STOP NAGGING already! Two seconds into the shower? Singing. Go figure. hear: Well, heard. The pup, yesterday, after waking […]


So. WordPress 2.1 (Ella).

Posted by Lessa on January 28, 2007 in rants, this-n-that |

I logged into my control panel the other day, and checked to see if fantastico had the new updates for wordpress yet. It did – and I was giddy because I like nothing more then to play with the big kids and pretend I know what I’m doing and update and muck around their pretty […]

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