What would Meridith (Vieira) Do? (Aka WWMD)

Posted by Lessa on January 27, 2007 in this-n-that |

So tonight, in case ya’ll haven’t run by yet (and why haven’t you? her day! it’s almost over!) is Nana Moosie’s birthday! Yay Nana! So tonight, Papa Moosie invited me to tag along for dinner at her favorite restaurant where there they serve Mexican food at it’s finest, as well as lovely marguaritas! Now, me, […]


Posted by Lessa on January 26, 2007 in this-n-that |

Yes, I know, I use that title a lot. Sue me. Heh! — What I’ve been working on: Desert Dance Festival. Trust me – it looks MUCH better, even without all the links live. Heh. — Amusing Searches that brought people here: things to say when cybersexing pictures of puddle in carpet built for comfort […]


Sex Education, again!

Posted by Lessa on January 24, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

We were discussing her English essay – and well, my kids have definitely inherited my sense of humor… The girl: Mooooooom what’s a period? Me: A dot at the end of a sentence. The girl: I thought that was a comma! Me: No, that’s when you bleed every month. The girl: Can boys get a […]


What happens…

Posted by Lessa on January 23, 2007 in this-n-that |

…when I go down to nana and papa’s for breakfast with the kids… (and – this is always cool to see: “Another great column!!!!!!!!! 😉 Barry”)


Ew. No, seriously. EW!

Posted by Lessa on January 21, 2007 in this-n-that |

Some days, I reaaaaaaaally miss my husband for a variety of reasons. Today? It’s because I want to SMACK HIM RIGHT UPSIDE THE HEAD. Seriously! See, many moons ago, we got a second hand fridge from a friend that had an ice machine in it. So far so good. We got the fridge inside, and […]

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