Abstinence in the real world

Posted by Lessa on April 22, 2009 in Adolescence, Communication, Dating, Sexuality |

We talk about sex a lot in our house. I’ve have two teenagers and have never been squeamish about giving detailed descriptions and scarring my kids for life. “You were conceived not as you wish to believe, through immaculate conception, but through sex. FAT PEOPLE SEX.” I’m also the one who gave all the teenagers […]

"I'd never allow that!"

Posted by Lessa on February 28, 2009 in Dating, Education, relationships, Sexuality, Violence |

You hear it all the time – hell, I’ve said it more then once myself – when stories like Rihanna and Chris Brown hit the newstands, or any other situations of abuse… especially when the victim returns to their abuser as Rihanna has recently gone back to Brown. We’d never do that, never allow it […]


Posted by Lessa on November 20, 2008 in Dating |

When you get pregnant, everyone is quick to tell you about all the wonderful things that are coming your way, making sure to point out that all the pain that they’ll now explain in excruciating detail will be worth it when you see the first smile, the first tooth, the first step, the first day […]

What you do, matters!

Posted by Lessa on October 5, 2008 in Communication, Dating, Sexuality |

We hear it all the time from teenagers around the world. “Do we HAVE too?” It usually has to do something with trying to get out of spending time with the family, getting along with the siblings, sitting down at the dinner table to eat as a cohesive family unit. Sometimes we feel bad if […]

Oh. My.

Posted by Lessa on September 10, 2008 in Dating, Daughters, Friendships, Sons |

I carefully planned to have my children two years apart in age. I did this, knowing that it would be hectic, but with the ultimate hope that they would be closer and better friends then my sister and I were when we grew up. Sure, my sister and I are great friends now – but […]

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