SYTYCD – top 20.

Posted by Lessa on June 13, 2008 in Fox, SYTYCD |

I find it very hard to write about something so visual, a show that’s dependent on personal opinion – you either get it, or you don’t. Fortunately for the top 20 this year and their performances, I got it more often then not. I’ve always wished I could dance, and seeing some of those routines […]

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SYTYCD – Auditions get us one step closer!

Posted by Lessa on June 5, 2008 in Fox, SYTYCD |

So you think you can dance brought us the last of the open auditions from Milwaukee last night where the filled the first 30 minutes of the show with recaps of the previous auditions, showing us some that we hadn’t seen before. And Nigel getting all gangsta. I know. Scared me too! The guest judges […]

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Whiney Matt gets the boot at LAST.

Posted by Lessa on June 4, 2008 in Fox, Hell's Kitchen |

Has anyone on any show whined as much as Hell’s Kitchen’s Matt? Seriously, that guy had more excuses then my teenagers, and that’s quite a feat, let me tell ya! After his seasoning the appetizers with his own sweat, making people send it back because it was salty last week, (and also, OMG EW!) I […]

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