Look Dooce!
I can put stuff on MAH DOGS HEAD too!
The kids call it doggy torture – but I’m pretty sure that’s just because of what it is.
As a result, we’ve seen a resurgence of the I Hate Barny songs, of course. And you didn’t know the dog could sing, huh? (tiddlyboomtish!)
In other news – last night my keyboard quit working, my mouse quit working, and apparently Lola went on strike for a couple minutes. Fortunately, the situation was quickly resolved, without the need for picket signs and outside negotiators. Then my sink drain started to leak, and I discovered that though the kids cannot manage to place a wrapper in a garbage can that is within arms reach and instead pile them up on the counter, they CAN manage to wash a plastic knife and corndog sticks down the drain. The one without a disposal. Causing the pipe to pull away from the connection and me to have to get under there and attempt to fix it.
Maybe _I_ should go on strike…
Ohdeargod, your carpet… oh. Oh, you mean this is about the dog? Well… good work. I approve. ::twitch::
HAHAHHA! Poor Jamie and her CCD (compulsive cleaning disorder. haha) I keep tellin ya – move up here, I’ll cook for you, you clean for me. It’s the best of both worlds.
I am SO down with that arrangement! 😀