That pesky Volcano!

Posted by Lessa on March 28, 2009 in Randomosity |

redoubtSo, I don’t know if you guys have realized, but Alaska doesn’t have problems with hurricanes, or tornadoes. No, We get fun stuff! Like earthquakes, and active volcanoes! Every twenty years or so, the closest one, Mt. Redoubt – about 50 miles across the inlet, decides it’d be fun to rumble and belch a little bit, and cover us with ash. I know, doesn’t that sound like FUN?

Redoubt has been making it’s presence known, but so far we’ve been relatively ash-free as the winds have cooperated and pushed the majority of it to the north or south of our small town. Of course, just the thought of ash fall sends many folks into a panic and crisis mode. We grab the “Ash Preparedness Guide” and check up on our supplies and make sure we’re ready for anything.

Ok, by “we” I actually mean “other people” because I did none of those things. Hurray for being prepared! When the first blow finally came, my son called me from work (update there – things are much better and he’s in good with the management again) to say he’d be late to help cover the ventilation shafts and such, and I figured I’d check online to see where the ash was traveling. And maybe take a peek at that supply list while my friends online were totally freaking out in that “OMG YOU HAVE TO MOVE, EVACUATE, SOMETHING! WHAT ABOUT THE LAAAAAAVAAAAA?” kind of way.

For the record: No lava. Volcano across the inlet, lots of water between us and any lava should it actually appear.

ANYWAY – Imagine their panic when I pointed out that I had ONE THING on that supply list – so I was GOLDEN! I was prepared, nothing could harm us, because of this one item, number six on the list! Sure, I didn’t have the masks, the protective eye wear, the flashlight, the batteries, or the battery powered radio, but all was not lost because I? I have a NON-ELECTRIC CAN OPENER! SCORE!

…what was that? Canned food? Shh! Don’t burst my bubble! At least the cats will be happy…

(We’re fine, really. Though the kids have been begging to stay home from school when there’s even a iny HINT that we might get a bit of ash. Meany me, I didn’t let them. )

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