SYTYCD – Top Twenty!

Posted by Lessa on June 6, 2008 in Fox, SYTYCD |

Last night was Vegas Week for So you think you can Dance, and they pushed the hopeful contestants harder then ever before. There were tears, dramatic injuries, more tears, a few screams, and the all important “Mess with the top 20 by making them think they didn’t make it before telling them they did” breakdowns.

So the question is – did your favorite from the auditions make it? Were you surprised by any that did/didn’t end up in the top twenty? Do you agree with the girl who got cut because she couldn’t shut up and kept talking until she talked her way right out of a spot in the next stage? Dish, my darlings!

In the meantime – here’s our Top Twenty in a picture that’s relatively horrible because we can’t see any of them as they blend into the backdrop. Heh: Pictured top row L-R: Twitch, William, Jessica, Kourtni L., Joshua, Jamie and Courtney G. Second row L-R: Kherington, Rayven, Chelsea T., Chris, Katee, Thayne, Comfort, Susie, Marquis, Chelsie H. and Mark. Bottom row L-R: Matt and Gev.

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