SYTYCD – Top 18 Dance it out.

Posted by Lessa on June 19, 2008 in Fox, SYTYCD |

Again, tonight was a show of stand out performances, and some that were complete misses for me. Even for a writer, it’s hard to put into words when something is visually stunning – like Nigel last week telling Twitchinton that it was ‘really, really, good…” in an awed whisper. So I’m not going to try and describe the dances themselves, but I will put the stand out performances here via youtube. As long as they’re up there, of course.

Once again, Katee and Joshuah were fanfreakingtastic. This week they did broadway, and it was everything that I envision Broadway to be – energetic, fun, heartfelt, real, lively, beautiful. Loved. It.

Courtney and Gev get a contemporary routine by Mandy Moore, and it’s absolutely stunning – another homerun – the judges weren’t so blown away, not believing the emotional connection, but honey, _I_ believed it. Guess I’m not so coldhearted after all…

Another stand out dance for me of the night was the waltz danced by Twitch and Kherington. It was choreographed as a tribute to the disabled daughter of Jean-Marc and it was just stunningly awesome and beautiful – I loved everything about it, right down to the fact that they danced it in bare feet instead of shoes/heels. Just breathtaking.

(Fast forward to about 7:40, then the dance finishes in the second one. Sorry, best I could find.)

Chelsie and Matt’s Tango was also fantastic – traditional and a bit sleazy, though Nigel wanted more sleaze. You dirty boy, Nigel, you.

There were as many misses, and I doubt I’ll be surprised by who ends up in the bottom three couples. Assuming that America thinks the same way I do, of course! We’ll find out tomorrow!


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