SYTYCD – Week 4

Posted by Lessa on July 3, 2008 in Fox, SYTYCD |

Seriously, so many hits tonight, and even though the judges were harsher on some dances that I thought were great, overall tonight was one hell of a good program! The judges seemed a bit nitpicky tonight, and at one point Nigel got snippy with the audience telling them to “stop booing for heaven’s sake” because they were there to help the dancers improve. He seemed a bit extra testing tonight, except when he was joking about Mia Michaels choreographing their breakup in the absolutely best dance of the night! Mia Michaels is brilliant, seriously.

Dance styles:
Jessica and Will: Jive and Lyrical Jazz
Comfort and Thayne: Broadway and Smooth Waltz
Kourtni and Matt: Hip Hop and Mambo
Chelsea and Mark: Jazz and Foxtrot
Kerington and Twitch: Paso Doble and Contemporary
Katee and Joshuah: Contemporary and West Coast Swing
Courtney and Gev: Hip Hop and Broadway

After the cut, more of my favorites!

And this one? Yeah. Very cool.

Chelsie and Mark didn’t drop the ball either – and Kiss Kiss was really fun to watch:

And then there was this one:

And Courtney and Gev are entirely too cute doing Broadway!

And new couple Comfort and Thayne stepped it up with this waltz – Comfort looked stunningly beautiful!


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