Corner Office X Update!

Posted by Lessa on July 9, 2008 in CBS, SYTYCD |

The Houseguests moved in tonight – July 8! Game on, my little hamsters, game on!

I’ll post more details when he gives them to Spammy and she gives them to us! Watch this space!

In the meantime – Do the Chenbot!

And here’s that update I promised you! As is a longstanding tradition of Big Brother Craze/Reality Daze, it’s time to break in our spoiler button for the VERY FIRST TIME this season.

Oh how I love the spoiler button! Read it, memorize it, do not blame me if you ignore it!

So without further ado – more info on the first night for the houseguests, after the cut!

Alrighty – here’s what CornerOfficeZ had to say over at RealityBBQ:

“The HG entered the house a little before 6pm tonight.
Julie Chen wore this beautiful red dress. She looked outstanding!
Before entering the house the HG voted on HOH based strictly on looks. You might be surprised who they chose.
There was some confusion about the beds. For an hour Jerry was going to be sleeping in the Spa Room. He ended up in the Punk Room with Jessie and Brian.
Memphis found a coon skin “Davey Crockett” hat and put it on immediately. Great first impression.
Angie asserted herself early. She’s definitely an alpha female.
Everyone wanted Jerry to do the toast and he didn’t disappoint. He’s endeared himself to 99% of the others.
Steve didn’t reveal he was gay to everyone.
BB9 Jen’s memory wall picture crying fit was mocked. [This was actually bb8’s Jen! bb9’s Jen was the one who was going to win because her picture was first. ha! -RD]
Angie is the only smoker and Steve chews Copenhagen.
Jessie will be the trainer of the house and they’re planning on getting up early to work out. We’re taking bets how long that’ll last.
April and Libra bonded and are suspicious of Renny.
This early in the game it’s Libra, Jerry, Renny, and Brian who are “the cool kids”. Typical first night in the BB house where everyone loves each other. Day 2 will be another story.

This is by far one of the best casts Big Brother has ever had. But you don’t have to take my word for it. You’ll see!” CornerOfficeX

Sounds like the “game begins before they enter the house” would be that HOH competition by looks. Nice! Who do you think was chosen?!

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