SYTYCD: Results

Posted by Lessa on July 21, 2008 in Fox, SYTYCD |

I know, I’m a few days behind – blame Big Brother taking up my time and thoughts as we got Big Brother Craze back up and running! By now, I’m sure everyone knows that Kherington and Gev were sent home last Thursday, but I wanted to make sure to post the Group dances. Mia can be a total witch, but you know what? She can choreograph like no one else, ever. The Girls dance to Ava Maria was stunningly beautiful, as usual.

And the Bollywood routine? Genius! I love love LOVE Bollywood!

And of course, there was Nigel as the “mystery choreographer” Old Mo. Heh.

I’ll miss Gev, but I think it was Kherington’s time to go for sure. Tune in Wednesday for the performances of the top 8!


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