Are YOU a Gleek?

Posted by Lessa on September 17, 2009 in SYTYCD |

Ok, I know, I know, it’s not a Reality Show – but it relates, and not just because I love the show. I mean COME ON – they covered POISON last night! And I want to Sex You Up! Not to mention Mercedes (Amber Riley) and Bust Your Windows

This show is GOLD people. GOLD.

How does it relate to you, my Reality Dazies (other than me telling you to WATCH IT! WATCH IT NOW and its my site and I totally can)? Easy – Front and center during the performance of Vocal Adrenaline – it’s none other than Lauren from SYTYCD! Check it out!

If you’re not convinced yet – here’s the full I wanna Sex You Up by the Acafellas (3 teachers and 2 students)


Become a Gleek.
You know you want too.


  • Jodda says:

    I love this show. I saw the when it was first aired after the AI finale last spring, and I was hooked.
    I would watch it strictly for Jane Lynch. (love Christoper Guest movies!!!)

    Glee is one of the best shows I’ve seen in ages!!

  • Sasssy says:

    So what’s this show all about? I need to know more. Hi Jodda!

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