
Posted by Lessa on September 15, 2011 in family |

So – the Pup comes home, and tells me that a boy asked her to the dance. Well, that they both kinda asked each other. And that she wants to go. Her first dance, and meeting a boy there.

Then she said “DON’T TELL MY BROTHER”.

Oh REALLY. So I posted it on Facebook instead. Then told her brother. She’s got one of her best friends on speaker phone, and they are discussing this… loudly.

The Pup: Well, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT? If you had a brother who’s HUGE and MUSCLY and wants to DRIVE YOU TO THE DANCE with his FRIENDS who are JUST AS BIG so they can TERRIFY the guy you LIKE?

….I am laughing, hysterically. and also? kinda terrified…

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