I just wrote….and lost….and entire entry.
I’m annoyed.
It was nice and long too. *sigh* So, lets see if I can get back into the groove.
An update! Been a long damn time, I knowm, and my three faithful readers owe me a royal thrashing for it. I’ve been doing this online journalling thing for 3 years now, and you all know how it goes… sometimes you just can’t bring yourself to write. You wonder why you even bothere, and what will happen next. I was tehre, still am a bit, but thought I’d drop in and let ya’ll know I was still alive.
Things around here are distressingly the same.
The kids are good.
School is good.
I’m hanging in there.
Asshole is good.
The rest of my family… well, it’s nuts as always. *smirk* Same shit different day escalated until you’re left just standing there, boggled, and wondering what’s gonna happen next.
The Boy is nearing the end of 5th grade, and had to watch THE movie recently. heh. You know the one that gives the kids details about puberty? oh yeah. I asked him how that went and he lifted his arm and went “SMELL!” and I nearly passed out at the overwhelming oder of ‘old spice’ pitstick. Seems they gave the boys all a sample size deoderant in a small goody back. *chuckles* he was so proud – but damn, he musta put half the stick on… and that shit REEKS. *laughs* Naturally, he adn his buddies wanted to see what the girls were watching in the other room – but they kept getting caught trying to peek. *L* whoops.
We’ve had some problems with him and his homework, so he’s not exactly a happy camper right now as we decided to put him in summer school as he’s behind in his math. Going into the middle school next year he’ll need all the help he can get. So – he had a choice after I’d caught him lying to me again about handing in his work. he could play baseball, and go to summer school, or he could not play baseball and still go to summer school. He opted for the first, of course, grudgingly. God, it’s hard to believe he’s 11. *le sigh*
The girl is 8 and 1/2 now, and gets more and more girly by the day. It’s incredible really, as I was always the tomboy. She’s always talking on the phone with her girlfriends, writing in her diary, conspiring and talking about boys with the girls next door, beating on and getting beat on by her siblings, and getting curves and more boy crazy by the day. I’m so not ready for this. *chuckles* She’s fixing to start Softball again, this time in a co-ed league as there wasn’t as many kids signed up for Little League this year. She’s pretty excited though, as her team is all girls.
The pup.. well. That girl just never ever quits. Seriously. She just keeps going and going and going and going until she collapses and recharges and then all bets are off again. *L* She’s always talking, always moving, always… just. Always. And SMART. god she constantly amazes me with the things she’s picked up, learned. though her occasional complaint when she is tired and about to go to sleep is disconcerting.. she comes out crying and tells me she ‘don’t wanna breathe…’ *blinks* yeah, the closest I can come to as explination is she doesn’t to snore or something. *L* I dunno, but still breathe she does.
The asshole has a new job… better, though we’re still pulling outa the hole money wise due to the time off before the job. any donations to “make lessa’ less stressed” fund are welcome (and hell, needed. heh.) he loves the new job, there’s a lot of chance for advancement and he’s gone for 3 weeks at a time. *L* home for two though, so. hrm.
School is going good, still maintaining the good grades, and having fun in a photography class. for some of my recent pictures you can click the manipulated picture of the pup below. You’ll find recent family pictures, as well as a tour through Olde Towne Kenai (just a couple miles from where I live) some pictures taken with a standard camera. I’ve redone the entire look of RtC lately, too, so have fun and look around. Had to do something while I wasn’t writing, right? *grin*