Crap. There goes the neighborhood.
Sigh. Who ordered this??
And as proof that the thought of Actual Winter steals what passes for my logic – the following exchange preceded the pictures.
The Girl: MOM! It’s SNOWING!
Me: You’re grounded.
The Girl: ……
Me: *totally serious face*
The Girl: …..but WHY?
Me: You TOLD me about it.
The Girl: …..
The Girl: …..
The Girl: Where’s the camera?
The GIrl: Look! Pictures! Proof!
Me: Yeah. The grounding? TOTALLY NOT KIDDING.
Harumph. Seems PERFECTLY logical to me. Little brat. I could be in DENIAL if not for her!
PS. The lack of logic also MIGHT ALSO be because of DayQuil Sinus. That shit’s the BOMB baby. It’s the first time I’ve had it cuz apparently eveyrone else was busy snorting it’s deliciousness because it was always sold out. I’d been looking for it since Mei told me to a YEAR ago.
So for the past year I was stuck with Sudefed. Which everyone knows is only good for cooking meth. That’s why you can only buy one box at a time without filling forms and selling your firstborn. Beause getting 2 boxes? is CLEARLY a straight line toward methcookin hell. Handbasket included.
But today? Oh. there was DAYQUIL SINUS. Elixer Elixure (howthehelldoyouspellthat?) LIQUID FILLED PILLS of the GODS.
Heh. What? stop looking at me like that. *grin*
1 Comment
Okay now when you can no longer spell you have taken tooooooo many….. LOL