Wow. People are crazy opinionated!

Posted by Lessa on December 9, 2006 in this-n-that |

Emphisis on the crazy!

So, been hanging around blogher when I get bored, and Suzanne opened up a discussion about circumcision at birth. And talk about opening the proverbrial can of worms! (HA! I kill me!) I actually bowed out of the “discussion” when it was clear that no one wanted to “discuss” but try and force their opinion as being the One! True! Way! I bowed out after I was told that my personal history with circumcision decisions was nothing more then a story meant to induce fear and loathing and force other mothers to make decisions that concur with mine.

Um. No.

Now, I know I’m opinionated. That’s no surprise to anyone who hangs with me more then 0.152 seconds. The difference being, I will STILL respect you for YOUR opinions. My job on this earth isn’t to force you to believe as I do. My job instead, is to simply present another view and allow you to still come to your own conclusions. I do not – and will not ever begrudge someone a choice they made, as long as it does no harm to me or mine. I will not judge anyone for their opinions and personal beliefs. It is simply not my way. If you believe differently then I do – fine. I don’t have to like it, to still like you.

But when you (collective you – no one in particular here!) decide that I MUST CONFORM to your way of thinking – that’s when I get pissy. I don’t have to conform. I’ve spent just shy of 37 years listening and thinking and learning and discerning and coming up with my own personal truth. This does not detract from your personal truth, if they do not mesh, but merely mean mine are different then yours. This also does not mean that I am right and you are wrong, any more then the opposite is true.

For instance: Circumcision. I’m for it. I saw a friend have to go through circumcising her son at 3 years old for medical reasons (my “Scare story!”) and helped care for that kiddo when he looked up at me with tears in his eyes and asked me why I hurt him. That’s a personal experience that further shaped my feelings on the matter. Does this mean I think all people who decide against circumcision are wrong? Hell no. My decision was right for ME.

Another hotbutton: Abortion. While I, myself, FOR MYSELF, believe that abortion is wrong, I identify as pro-choice, because each woman needs to make that decision for herself in a way she can live with. It is not my job to tell them they are right or wrong in what they do with their bodies. It is their job to formulate a plan of action they can live with and believe in.

When asked for my opinion (You know what they say – opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one and they all stink!) I will share it in an effort to help broaden someone’s view. I have no intention of forcing you to believe as I do.

So why can’t other people be the same? Seriously – just because we’re different and have different views, does not automatically make you right, me wrong, or vice versa! Get a grip, be secure in your beliefs, and realize that you can still befriend someone, anyone, with different views then your own. And also – you can discuss different views without getting defensive or attacking another persons belief. That’s where the line is drawn for me – when you stop giving me your ideals and explaining your beliefs and instead slam me for mine, you’ve crossed the line.

So lighten the fuck up already.

And trust me – You’ll all feel better when you realize that I’m always right, anyway. Gosh!


  • Christa says:

    I agree with the at birth circumcision, it causes less pain and problems later in life. After all, when else would you be able to give sugar water as a pain killer and have it work?

  • Rhea says:

    You are right! You are right! I agree with you on all the issues.

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