SYTYCD: top 20 Intro Performances!

Posted by Lessa on October 27, 2009 in SYTYCD |

Oooooooooooh how I love SYTYCD! And the crop of finalists we have this year is simply OUTSTANDING! We’re in for a great season, I can tell! I love the way they added the performance show as well. It gives us a little more insight on the dancers, they’re styles and what they’re good at! Comparatively […]


Are YOU a Gleek?

Posted by Lessa on September 17, 2009 in SYTYCD |

Ok, I know, I know, it’s not a Reality Show – but it relates, and not just because I love the show. I mean COME ON – they covered POISON last night! And I want to Sex You Up! Not to mention Mercedes (Amber Riley) and Bust Your Windows… This show is GOLD people. GOLD. […]

Adam Shankman joins the Judges!

Posted by Lessa on September 16, 2009 in SYTYCD |

We’ve watched his Choreography and as guest judge since SYTYCD’s third season in 2007, and he’s been on hand during the audition rounds – the first of which premiered last week. We know him, we love him, and now he’s going to be around in a much more permanent way -as a weekly judge alongside […]

It's here it's here it's here!

Posted by Lessa on September 12, 2009 in SYTYCD |

The first ever Fall Season of So You Think you can Dance, of course! YAY! If you missed this week’s first round of auditions, we saw some familiar faces, some new faces, the good, the bad, the ugly – AND a Tap Trade Between Evan’s brother Ryan Kasprzak and Bianca Revel – it was HOT. […]

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SYTYCD – final 8

Posted by Lessa on July 26, 2008 in Fox, SYTYCD |

So by now, you all likely know who has been eliminated, and what happened this week on SYTYCD – so I thought I’d post my favorite dance of the night. Katee and Twitch dancing a very different Mia Michaels contemporary routine! Hands down the BEST dance of the night. I’m sad to see Will go, […]


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