The End of Week One!
So, Week one is in the books, and while some of the guests are just starting to get their feet wet, and we’ve an unprecedented level of Fail Jailing going on, I think we’re getting our footing and should be a on a roll now! Despite the relative young age of the cast, they are […]
They're Moving in!
That’s right, the new houseguests are moving in throughout the day! I’ll post their pictures and bio’s as soon as everyone is safely inside! Hit up the house and meet our new victims houseguests!
That pesky Volcano!
So, I don’t know if you guys have realized, but Alaska doesn’t have problems with hurricanes, or tornadoes. No, We get fun stuff! Like earthquakes, and active volcanoes! Every twenty years or so, the closest one, Mt. Redoubt – about 50 miles across the inlet, decides it’d be fun to rumble and belch a little […]
The man in the mirror…
. Have you applied? You KNOW you want too… There are a lot of games out there, and we’re another in the crowd, though we aim to be one of the best! For less time then you spend redesigning your myspace pages for the umpteenth time (unless that’s just me.. hee!) or clicking around tengaged, […]
Did you hear that?
Hmmmm. The sounds of construction… hammers and nails and cussing and coding, oh my! What could it all mean? Stay tuned…