
Posted by Lessa on January 14, 2009 in Cell phones, Communication, Daughters |

Back in the day, ya know, when I was a teenager, struggling to walk too and from school in 29 foot high snowdrifts, uphill BOTH ways, barefoot with only a scrap of fabric for a coat and newspaper for socks, and mittens spun from the fluffy shed fur of the neighbors cat… and don’t forget […]


Posted by Lessa on November 13, 2008 in Cell phones, Communication |

I’ve talked a little bit about my kids and their cell phones before, and couldn’t help but smile when Sarah, from AT&T emailed last week, asking if I was the kinda cool mom who uses text messages to communicate with her kids – answer? YES. Well, we all already knew I was cool, anyway. My […]

IDK, my BFF Jill?

Posted by Lessa on October 3, 2008 in Cell phones, Communication |

Alright. I’m not gonna lie. The best part about giving my teenagers cell phones has nothing to do with the fact that I can check in randomly and see if they’re behaving, or that they can let me know right off the bat if plans change. No, the best part about giving my teenagers cell […]

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